1. The European Commission wants to ban 10 items that make up 70% of all litter in EU waters and on beaches. The draft rules...

  2. Investments in wind power in Europe are set to rise this year for the first time since 2016 and not by a little: industry...

  3. UK ranks first in new wind power additions in the first half of the year and, for some reason, this is a problem. Why? “In...

  4. Thousands of wind turbines from Germany to the U.K. are set to grind to a halt next week, cutting electricity supplies at the same...

  5. Plans for Europe’s largest solar farm revealed That's... a lot of space. (First one who yells "And how much space does SHALE take up?!") gets...

  6. European countries installed at least 8.61 GW of solar power systems in 2017. During this year, this market has recorded an increase of 28...

  7. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Protests-Break-Out-in-Europe-As-Electricity-Prices-Soar.html Europe is having problems with energy supply due to depending on Russian natural gas, and coal of their own to meet much of their...

  8. Qatar opened up its first EV charging station--the first of nine.  How realistic is their target of having between 2% and 4% of all...

  9. From a recent article on this site: Battery Breakthrough Solves Major Electric Car Problemhttps://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Battery-Breakthrough-Solves-Major-Electric-Car-Problem.html I find this hard to believe. After all the millions of dollars...

  10. Germany – the home of the combustion engine – has now had its auto market “officially” disrupted by plug-in electric cars, which in July...

  11. China has just opened the world's first 'solar highway'. It's a kilometer long, and will eventually charge all those EVs China is putting out.   

  12. Germany’s dirtiest power plants may avoid the scrap heap in the nation’s coal exit by getting refashioned as giant batteries for storing wind and...

  13. “To say that electric cars are the end of oil is definitely misleading,” said the IEA's Fatih Birol at the WEF in Davos. Not...

  14. "Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company, Masdar, and the Norwegian multinational energy company, Equinor, (formerly Statoil) have installed, and will soon begin testing, a new...

  15. Hydrogen has been talked up as a major storage of energy and one that will form the basis of a major export market to...

  16. https://renews.biz/50270/danes-deliver-texas-green-deal-to-exxonmobil/ Exxon signs PPA for green power. Does anybody know if this is politically motivated or if green energy is the most competetive for those...

  17. Facebook announced that it was upping the environmental ante on by committing to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 75% and power its global...

  18. This shows up on a notorious Chinese eCommerce website. 1Mw at 5 cents per watt = $50,000. Most competing products listed on the site show...

  19. In 2022, Google has dramatically censored its search results for alternative narratives to the "official Climate Change narrative".  Many great alternative websites and information...

  20. https://www.wnd.com/2021/01/electric-car-driver-discovers-fast-charge-costs-gas/ I would show a Tesla, but this is what was with the article. What do you think. Will we end up paying as much...

  21. https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-02/ucl-flb021320.php At 88 Wh/l, this has roughly the energy density of lead acid batteries, but can be recharged in seconds.    

  22. It is amazing and you would have never guessed it... Here it comes... Consume less energy! In this case by perusing the services of the...

  23. A reasonable read. that finally recognizes the TRUTHS!  ALL OF THEM!! https://cgmf.org/blog-entry/435/REPORT-|-Never-Again-How-to-prevent-another-major-Texas-electricity-failure.html A short excerpt, that honestly contradicts those that blame renewables... "...ERCOT’s assessment anticipated only 963...

  24. First battery-powered cruise ship sails for the Arctic   The world’s first cruise ship propelled partially by battery power is set to head out from northern...

  25. Another lawsuit opening a new chapter in climate change litigation. This time commercial fishermen in California and Oregon sued dozens of oil and gas...

  26. New method makes hydrogen from solar power and agricultural waste https://today.uic.edu/new-method-makes-hydrogen-from-solar-power-and-agricultural-waste/ Quote The best performer, cow dung, decreased the electrical requirement sixfold to roughly a fifth of...

  27. Notation:  If you are unfamiliar with the World Economic Forum and its projects such as The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, "Pandemic" Event 201 of...

  28. Presented without comment.   The Reason Renewables Can't Power Modern Civilization Is Because They Were Never Meant To ... Now comes a major article in the country’s largest newsweekly...

  29. Forbes: China Is Set To Become The World's Renewable Energy Superpower, According To New Report  Jan 19, 2019  "The renewables revolution enhances the global leadership...

  30. Forbes: Giant Floating Solar Farms Could Extract CO2 From Seawater, Producing Methanol Fuel.https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottsnowden/2019/06/14/giant-floating-solar-farms-could-power-co2-extraction-from-seawater-producing-methanol-fuel/ I always expected that this was one of the next innovations: building...

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