1. Jay Inslee targets fossil fuel interests with new presidential promises I'm having trouble deciding who I would root for in these Democratic primaries. It's like...

  2. Trump wanted Chinese solar panels firms to make more of their products in the U.S. Obviously China got his message and now one of...

  3. At the depths where oil and gas are extracted, the movement of liquids or gases occurs through pores and cracks. Therefore, the transfer of...

  4. Non-recycable? Say it ain't so! That's blasphemy to the true believers!  Child slave labor? It's ok as long as you are comfortable saving the...

  5. Scenario 1 is that existing silicon solar cells and wind power costs decline in a predictable progression, leading to solar panels costing roughly 1...

  6. A special announcement for those lamenting the imminent demise of the Tesla California investments:  Tesla has taken delivery of the world’s biggest casting machine and it...

  7. Straight from the petrol heads.

  8. Nikola Motors will refund all pre-orders for its fuel-cell powered heavy-duty trucks, adding that customers will not lose their place in line. Twitter post...

  9. The $9 billion plant is due to be completed by mid 2018. It looks amazing and huge. Morocco will more than quadruple it's solar power...

  10. https://www.yahoo.com/news/ford-planning-huge-north-american-183900478.html   Ford Is Planning a Huge North American Electric Charging Network  David Grossman,Popular Mechanics 5 hours ago   

  11. The foundation’s newly released “Solar Jobs Census 2017” report revealed that the Golden State employed 86,414 people in the solar industry last year. That...

  12. Here is a link to a post on the facebook site The Driver's Side about a guy who uses a gasoline generator he keeps in...

  13. a floating community of houses you say? What could possibly go wrong? how ambitious is this plan, that hopes to power the whole city...

  14. An independent advisory commission to the British government is questioning the nuclear projects and suggests to lean more towards renewables : “An energy system based...

  15. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-53450688 Includes picture of solar panels piled three stories high in a market in Lashkar Gah. Growth in solar utilization is doubling every year.

  16.   60% efficiency with off the shelf technology  

  17. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/green-new-deal-preview-texas-town-environmentalism-chuck-devore Chuck DeVore: 'Green New Deal' preview? Texas town's lofty environmentalism leaves residents with a nightmare  

  18. New study by researchers from Michigan State University shows that dam construction involves higher environmental and social costs than previously estimated.  A lot of developed...

  19. Global solar installations will decline by 24 percent this year, according to analysts. And Goldman is not the only one throwing out negative numbers...

  20. The Tesla killer that many expected didn't come - instead, MB is retreating from this fast growing markethttps://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/scratch-one-tesla-killer-mercedes-benz-exits-home-battery-market#gs.Ed9y5sA

  21. I posted this article not so much for the value of it's content but to illustrate the bias and propaganda OOZING and BLEEDING from...

  22. Not a joke. Hair is a renewable resource, people!

  23. I'll have to take issue with this CNN 'expose' on unethical cobalt, which explicitly targets electric vehicles.  https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2018/05/africa/congo-cobalt-dirty-energy-intl/?iid=EL Child labor at artisanal mines in places like...

  24. Say what you will about grand schemes and initiatives, I believe it's the tiny little things like that that are changing the world for...

  25. New method makes hydrogen from solar power and agricultural waste https://today.uic.edu/new-method-makes-hydrogen-from-solar-power-and-agricultural-waste/ Quote The best performer, cow dung, decreased the electrical requirement sixfold to roughly a fifth of...

  26. This is really refreshing. Apparently, people are worried that they have not been given enough information about wind farms but somebody wants to build...

  27. Microsoft has announced the completion of its first renewable energy deal with the Karnataka state in  India. This agreement will provide Microsoft purchase 3...

  28. With climate change the UK government set ambitious targets to reduce emissions by 57 percent by 2030. Alternatives like wind, solar and renewable energy...

  29. The huge Tesla loyalty (discussed elsewhere in this forum, I see) is interesting, but I'm wondering if this is not just unique to Tesla....

  30. We all know that China has a leading role in the development of solar energy. In this good article you'll find how the Chinese...

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