1. McDonald's becomes first restaurant chain to Set Science-Based GHG Emissions Reduction Targets and battle climate change, reducing emissions by 36% at all McDonald's restaurants...

  2. Do 'mechanical trees' offer the cure for climate change? Did we discuss this? A new way of carbon capturing and using.

  3. Step 1: Extract CO2 from the Air: https://mechanicaltrees.com/mechanicaltrees/ Step 2: Make Carbon Monoxide (and free Oxygen) from CO2: https://dioxidematerials.com/products/carbon-dioxide-electrolyzers-components/ Step 3: Let CO (Carbon Monoxide) react with itself...

  4. Was watching the news last night and saw a long discussion on the heat wave presently occurring in southern Europe and not one word...

  5. The Tesla killer that many expected didn't come - instead, MB is retreating from this fast growing markethttps://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/scratch-one-tesla-killer-mercedes-benz-exits-home-battery-market#gs.Ed9y5sA

  6. So, the famous left wing darling, baseball cap wearing big man, Michael Moore, was the executive producer of a documentary about renewable energy.  When I...

  7. Michael Moore is plastering YouTube with shorts on the Planet of the Humans hatchet job with the Ivanpah solar plant, 'biomass' renewable energy, corporate...

  8. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2020/05/09/delingpole-michael-moore-has-become-a-hero-to-climate-deniers-complains-guardian/ How could Michael Moore betray most of his fans by telling the truth about energy? See the free movie, still running on YouTube. RCW Delingpole:...

  9. This is really refreshing. Apparently, people are worried that they have not been given enough information about wind farms but somebody wants to build...

  10. https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/buying-and-making-electricity/microhydropower-systems     Apparently many small dams never considered any kind of hydroelectric equipment in their planning. It seems like many waterways could be more fully utilized...

  11.   https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/935863 This is one procedure for getting rid of the carboxyl and making an olefin: Direct conversion of carboxylic acids (Cn) to alkenes (C2n −...

  12. Microsoft has announced the completion of its first renewable energy deal with the Karnataka state in  India. This agreement will provide Microsoft purchase 3...

  13. Microsoft has announced the completion of its first renewable energy deal with the Karnataka state in  India. This agreement will provide Microsoft purchase 3...

  14. Microsoft announced that it's buying 315 megawatts from two new solar projects in Virginia as part of its ongoing effort to power its global...

  15. "MidAmerican Energy Co will become the first U.S. investor-owned utility to source 100 percent of its customers’ electricity needs from renewable energy when it...

  16. Think about the bays natural oil depletion emition per second.

  17. https://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/news/health/poorly-children-drive-themselves-operations-2014633  

  18. Tesla Model 3 now starts at $37,990. BMW 3 series starts at $40,750.  BEV first undercut the high end. Now they have undercut the mid range....

  19. Are Pint-Sized Nuclear Reactors A Cheap Way To Cut Greenhouse Gas Levels? Modular seems to be the way forward in more than one energy segment.

  20. Climate change is increasingly affecting the world’s central banks and their monetary policies.At a time when students around the globe are urging governments, companies...

  21. One embarrassing fact for the many tireless advocates for renewables is that, despite claims that electricity from such sources is cheaper than conventional power,...

  22. A new year and yet another expose of Hydrogen, which was always a terrible idea in energy storage. This expose is by Sabine Hossenfelder...

  23. The $9 billion plant is due to be completed by mid 2018. It looks amazing and huge. Morocco will more than quadruple it's solar power...

  24.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfGT_thyKXc MOST INNOVATIVE ELECTRIC VEHICLES OF TODAY | ELECTRIC BIKES & TRANSPORTATION Boats, aircraft, you name it! Fun stuff if you can afford it! 

  25. We've all seen bizarre suggestions concerning hydrogen, electric cars, renewable energy and so on. I thought we might compile a few of them. For...

  26. or so says this: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/elon-musk-made-less-than-the-typical-tesla-employee-in-2017-2018-04-26  "According to Tesla, Musk made $49,920 in salary in 2017 with no other compensation, and Musk refused to accept the salary...

  27.   Power-strapped North Korea is exploring two ambitious alternative energy sources, tidal power and coal-based synthetic fuels, that could greatly improve living standards and reduce...

  28. New York on July 18 awarded two major offshore wind contracts to Norway’s Equinor and a joint venture between Denmark’s Orsted and U.S. utility...

  29. https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240428240613/en/Natron-Energy-Achieves-First-Ever-Commercial-Scale-Production-of-Sodium-Ion-Batteries-in-the-U.S./ Quote SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Natron Energy, Inc. (“Natron” or “the Company”), the global leader in sodium-ion battery technology, today announced the commencement of commercial-scale operations...

  30. Another useful contribution from the Manhattan Contrarian  albeit one saying what every energy realist has been trying to get across the information gap since...

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