1. HYDROGEN FUEL STATION EXPLODES IN NORWAY; TOYOTA AND HYUNDAI PAUSE FUEL CELL VEHICLE DELIVERY And the station operator closed 10 more stations. Not good for...

  2. We have to thank a BP report out this week for this graph This seems about right.. note that its total energy so it includes...

  3. Plant extinction 'bad news for all species' I made the effort of taking a screenshot of all the headlines. Spot the differences.  

  4. Exelon's status as renewable power force teeters A major California bankruptcy could lead the Chicago-based power giant to lose most of its wind farms—and a...

  5. One simple change in diet , replacing beef with poultry,  could go a long way toward curbing climate change, new research shows.  https://www.webmd.com/diet/news/20190610/switch-from-beef-to-chicken-could-help-the-planet?src=RSS_PUBLIC#1

  6. I wonder when the great unwashed masses will finally get fed up with the constant brow beating by the Green Team, the never ending...

  7. Elon Musk is suggesting that the new version of Tesla’s solar roof tiles will be even less expensive and it will roughly be the...

  8. A good expose on the oft mentioned 97% agreement among scientists concerning the climate change debate. https://www.nationalreview.com/2015/10/climate-change-no-its-not-97-percent-consensus-ian-tuttle/  

  9. Britain has announced it will enshrine a new commitment to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 into law, marking a first among...

  10. Erratic weather boosts energy demand, denting climate goals - BP How's that for irony, everyone?

  11. A new picture of dengue's growing threat Anyone want to bet everything that's wrong with the world can be linked to climate change? No? Pity.

  12. Germany's Opel town shows struggle for Europe to plug in electric cars Looks like a reality check. We never plan comprehensively, do we? No, we...

  13. Plans for Europe’s largest solar farm revealed That's... a lot of space. (First one who yells "And how much space does SHALE take up?!") gets...

  14. https://electrek.co/2019/06/06/automakers-again-petition-us-ca-govts-to-close-emissions-pandoras-box-that-they-opened/

  15. New research suggests social learning patterns can inspire people to engage more climate-friendly behaviors, like buying and using an electric or hybrid vehicle. https://www.upi.com/Science_News/2019/06/06/Climate-change-predictions-are-influenced-by-social-learning/9831559850535/ 

  16. For those who championed the demise of the disposable razor, we can now do away with laundry detergent, shampoo in bottles and those pesky,...

  17. As if we didn't feel guilty enough about our lifestyles degrading the environment, now the incredibly reputable Huffington Post lets us know that our...

  18. One example of the often very poor justification, if not downright nonsensical argument, used to justify investment in renewables we need look no further...

  19. https://www.wired.com/story/companies-expect-climate-change-to-cost-them-one-trillion-dollars-in-5-years/ Well, that's what planning ahead is for. It's not like climate change started last year, after all, and the weather was constant until then.

  20. From a recent article on this site: Battery Breakthrough Solves Major Electric Car Problemhttps://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Battery-Breakthrough-Solves-Major-Electric-Car-Problem.html I find this hard to believe. After all the millions of dollars...

  21. We Shouldn't Be Surprised Renewables Make Energy Expensive Since That's Always Been The Greens' Goal https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelshellenberger/2019/05/27/we-shouldnt-be-surprised-renewables-make-energy-expensive-since-thats-always-been-the-greens-goal/?fbclid=IwAR2whcbvAD1DJ5a5q_pTAMbppzZndvBksnOdLRbgZknFV96J_rbSirHB4mk#39ed29c64e6d  

  22. Here's the report. Not sure if it's surprising or not.

  23. Brazil plans to add more solar to its hydro-dominated electricity generation mix

  24. Waste-to-energy plant in B.C. to handle disputed garbage from Philippines Only fitting.

  25. Climate change is making the rich, richer. And what about the poor? Well you can guess. A new study  finds the gap between the...

  26. https://us.cnn.com/2019/02/12/opinions/climate-change-opinion-heal/index.html Might be easier than we've been told. Repeatedly.  

  27. https://www.spglobal.com/platts/en/market-insights/latest-news/electric-power/053019-analysis-us-cities-claiming-100-renewable-power-may-quadruple-in-2019 Analysis: US cities claiming 100% renewable power may quadruple in 2019

  28. Malaysia is the latest Asian country after China and Philippines to reject rich countries' trash after becoming a dumping ground for plastic waste.   https://www.reuters.com/article/us-malaysia-waste-idUSKCN1SY0M7?utm_campaign=trueAnthem:+Trending+Content&utm_content=5cecf8d6c3070b0001dcd590&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter 

  29. Hello and welcome once again to Oilprice's latest contest, whereby one could win an amazing miniature barrel of black slime--perfect for nearly every occasion. To...

  30. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-05-27/australias-obsession-with-cheap-solar-derailing-market-insiders/11139856 "The ANAO found 1.2 per cent of rooftop solar installations have been inspected by the regulator. The regulator's inspections found that about one in six...

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