1. European oil majors are looking for more than just deepwater gushers in Brazil, which is already a regional leader in renewable energy. They also...

  2. Both the California Senate and Assembly that approved Senate Bill 100 for Governor Brown to sign into law, that will set California on a...

  3. https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2019/04/30/tesla-slashes-prices-for-floundering-solar-panel-business/ Why would Tesla have this problem? They are the best, aren't they?

  4. The days of unlimited speeding on Germany’s famously fast autobahns could be over if the government adopts draft proposals on climate protection put forward...

  5. WTF? Capture CO2 out of the air, 'electrolyze' it to make CO (Carbon Monoxide), let it sit in an airtight tank at room temperature, and...

  6. As if we didn't feel guilty enough about our lifestyles degrading the environment, now the incredibly reputable Huffington Post lets us know that our...

  7. California has passed its rooftop solar mandate for new homes on fake facts. Is anyone surprised? Why not work on real facts. California housing...

  8. China has just opened the world's first 'solar highway'. It's a kilometer long, and will eventually charge all those EVs China is putting out.   

  9. Some are planning to simply move their production to the US to avoid the tariffs. Then what?

  10. America is trying to build its manufacturing base and maximize exports while minimizing imports, especially from China, who is our only major competitor for...

  11. Germany has the best recycling rate in the world. Austria comes in second, followed by South Korea and Wales. All four countries manage to...

  12. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-05-27/australias-obsession-with-cheap-solar-derailing-market-insiders/11139856 "The ANAO found 1.2 per cent of rooftop solar installations have been inspected by the regulator. The regulator's inspections found that about one in six...

  13. Jay Inslee targets fossil fuel interests with new presidential promises I'm having trouble deciding who I would root for in these Democratic primaries. It's like...

  14. Even President Trump is denying global warning, he can't ignore cost of climate-change disasters. They cost U.S. more than $200 billion this year.  

  15. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-47063973 Interesting article examining the impact of the colonisation of the Americas in the 16th century and the impact on the climate. The cost in terms...

  16. Okay, I think that it is time to discuss renewable energy options as they relate to military defensive and offensive weapons which will be...

  17. California took some of the most aggressive steps yet to counter the effects of climate change as legislators voted to require that 100 percent...

  18. The U.S. is betting big on gas. China is betting big on solar. This story pains a picture of a new axis: pro-gas, pro-U.S....

  19. https://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Solar-Energy/Brits-Indebted-On-False-Solar-Promises.html Brits Indebted On False Solar Promises

  20. Climate change in the Western U.S. means more intense and frequent wildfires churning out waves of smoke that scientists say will sweep across the...

  21. renewable

    As many of you know US oil production is at a all time high. In this environ ment are renewable's still relevant? 

  22. “The process is rather simple and works like a human body. You feed the digester with organic waste, animal excrement (such as chicken droppings)....

  23. Japanese utilities turn away from coal plans amid green energy boom Nothing but pressure works. Yeah, it's not very free-market, but it works.

  24. Apple Inc. is launching a $300 million partnership in China to bring renewable energy to the country. Apple announced a new first-of-its-kind investment fund...

  25. Reality Bites Germany's Climate Plan. http://www.climatedepot.com/2019/02/23/top-german-mp-warns-of-dictatorship-of-climate-law-i-do-not-consider-this-law-to-be-compatible-with-a-market-economy/

  26. The world's most powerful wind turbine, the first of 11 turbines, has been successfully installed in Aberdeen Bay. The turbine’s installation marks the first...

  27.   delivery of the first Kona Electric vehicles to Police Scotland will begin in this month with the full order due to be fulfilled by...

  28. In 2017, the U.S. installed about 35.3 million new solar panels. In about 30 years, a wave of 35.3 million panels may reach the...

  29. The foundation’s newly released “Solar Jobs Census 2017” report revealed that the Golden State employed 86,414 people in the solar industry last year. That...

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