1. Faced with a population boom that has sent carbon emissions soaring and stretched power supplies to breaking point, oil-rich Nigeria is turning to renewable...

  2. Hi all, I greatly appreciate reading your posts and responses and wonder what you think.  My other half said that old cars are more environmentally...

  3. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/955855 30-year perovskite solar cells and the new approach to testing them for the long haul Princeton Engineering researchers have developed the first perovskite solar cell...

  4. The cost of car insurance for a Tesla ranges between $4,000 to $5,000 year. It's due to the high cost to repair when involved in...

  5. What would be the among the largest solar+storage installation in the country has come one step closer to actualization, with 8minute Solar Energy coming...

  6. Ontarians now suffering from forcing wind turbines on the consumers. https://climatechangedispatch.com/ontario-green-act-disaster/

  7. OPEC lent Cuba $45 million in soft money for a... wind farm. Cuba imports -- or used to import -- oil from Venezuela, but...

  8. A detailed analysis of the winners of major solar auctions held in India over the past 12 months indicates that bidding has been dominated...

  9. Unusually high March temperatures lopped weeks off Alaska’s long winter and reflect a warming climate trend, state climate experts say. March is normally reliable...

  10. Cant find current marked prices on hydrogen   

  11. Imperial College London researchers have found that the ozone layer is still not healing in certain areas of the world. Studies have shown clear signs...

  12. https://www.pnnl.gov/news-media/path-renewable-fuel-just-got-easier Quote Now, a research team at the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has developed a system that does just that. PNNL’s electrocatalytic oxidation...

  13. the year long triual period demonstrated the value of regenerative braking and that the buses air conditioning systems were capable of managing the hot,...

  14. Although a bit dated, this is a good read on where the financing was supposed to come from to reach the goals stated in...

  15. Paris Agreement plans to reduce greenhouse gases miss the mark. Those behind the Paris Climate Agreement have everyone pursuing intermittent renewable electricity from wind...

  16. I am simply astonished that this article was published in Forbes. Paris Is Burning Over Climate Change Taxes -- Is America Next? Keep in mind that...

  17. Scientists in Britain and the United States say they have engineered a plastic-eating enzyme that could in future help in the fight against pollution.The...

  18. "We must ... face the existential threat of our time: the climate crisis," Pelosi said in her opening address to Congress.    https://www.politico.com/story/2019/01/03/nancy-pelosi-climate-change-congress-1059148

  19. America is trying to build its manufacturing base and maximize exports while minimizing imports, especially from China, who is our only major competitor for...

  20. So I'm just going to quietly wait over here for the cries of outrage, wailing, gnashing of teeth, and assorted brickbats. Another report reluctantly admits...

  21. Study Sets Economic Impact Of Melting Arctic Permafrost At $70 TRILLION! Okay. This is impressively horrible. But since there is absolutely nothing* we can do about...

  22. Perovskite Co.'s will they live to the promise? At which point can we say they have turned the corner? How about the Silicon PV Companies...

  23. https://www.rochester.edu/newscenter/metal-perovskite-solar-cells-vs-silicon-efficiency-550212/ Essentially, energy conversion is '250% more efficient'. If existing panels are about 20% efficient, then 250% of that would be 50%, so instead of...

  24. Oil companies shifting from pure oil and gas player to diversified energy companies is a trend that started in Europe (Statoil, Shell, BP, Total)...

  25. Plant extinction 'bad news for all species' I made the effort of taking a screenshot of all the headlines. Spot the differences.  

  26.   delivery of the first Kona Electric vehicles to Police Scotland will begin in this month with the full order due to be fulfilled by...

  27. Pope Francis will meet with top executives in the oil industry and major investment firms next week at the Vatican to discuss the global...

  28. In a press release, it said that 670 MW of power generation capacity was allocated, of which 483 MW went to PV projects linked...

  29. Up until the last week or so, I've been seeing solar panels (usually in the range of 300 watts) priced at 35 cents per...

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