1. Representative Craig Kelly from NSW Australia speaking out against Net Zero by 2050 agenda in a simple but well-articulated cost/benefit analysis.  13 minute video https://www.bitchute.com/video/U9CvejaDGR21/

  2. Dyson looking to sink 2.7 billion pounds into three EVs is just the latest in a string of new entrants onto the market. They...

  3. https://www.pv-tech.org/us-solar-asset-underperformance-worsened-over-last-decade-prompting-p50-estimate-concerns/ US solar asset underperformance worsened over last decade, prompting P50 estimate concerns ByLiam Stoker October 28, 2021

  4. Brazil plans to add more solar to its hydro-dominated electricity generation mix

  5. Wow.  After such hype by OilPrice.com recommending this stock along with a few others in this space this company's stock got killed as a...

  6. PwC: Environment eclipses price as key energy investment concern Good news for some, food for thought for others: how will these higher costs be passed...

  7. European oil majors are looking for more than just deepwater gushers in Brazil, which is already a regional leader in renewable energy. They also...

  8. Quote   While IRENA touts declining costs over the past decade or two, the global push toward green energy and the race for net-zero commitments are...

  9. Musk says Tesla will have positive cash flow in Q3 and Q4, and that it will not need to raise money.  Another one of Tesla's overly...

  10. Chryslers need to meet government mandates greatly benefits Tesla.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-fiat-chrysler-tesla-eu/fiat-chrysler-to-pay-tesla-hundreds-of-millions-of-euros-to-pool-fleet-idUSKCN1RJ03I?il=0

  11. ELECTRIC VEHICLES ON COLLISION COURSE WITH REALITY The article, which talks about the Californian experience, points to the huge problems that will result from trying...

  12. Invest $131 trillion in clean energy by 2050 to hit climate goals, agency says     By Matthew Green LONDON (Reuters) - Planned investment in clean energy must...

  13. https://arpa-e.energy.gov/sites/default/files/documents/files/GREENWELLS_Project Descriptions.pdf  

  14. Here's the report. Not sure if it's surprising or not.

  15. I've been reading up on the concept of the sharing economy recently and I see that although it sounds theoretically wonderful, it's not without...

  16. U.S. wind and solar energy hit a key benchmark last month: Report Ben Adler ·Senior Editor Tue, May 10, 2022, 1:17 PM·3 min read https://www.yahoo.com/news/us-wind-and-solar-energy-hit-a-key-benchmark-last-month-report-181750400.html   The United States electricity...

  17. Wind turbine tax incentives are decreasing rapidly. What will this do to the growth of the industry in America? https://www.energy.gov/savings/renewable-electricity-production-tax-credit-ptc

  18. This year saw new solar output highs across Europe as summer temperature records were smashed. In the U.K., solar broke the record for weekly output...

  19.  present prices on bioethanol

  20. This, at least, seems to be legitimate. Here.  

  21. Norway plans Europe's largest wind farm without subsidies

  22. Well officaly its not connected. But do you know a smart guy called Pierre Andurrand? One of very best oil traders in lat 15 years. He...

  23. SoftBank is planning to develop a $1.2 billion solar plant in Saudi Arabia, despite facing growing scrutiny over its investments in the kingdom. The plant,...

  24. The Fight to Save the Joshua Tree Has a Surprising Foe—the Solar Industry     Daniel Modlin , The Daily Beast•September 13, 2020     It’s difficult to describe how beautiful Joshua...

  25. https://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/news/health/poorly-children-drive-themselves-operations-2014633  

  26. efficiency

    Hello, I am George Kamburoff, a new member. I am a former Senior Engineer in Technical Services for PG&E, and a utility consultant, now...

  27. Across the country, solar panels are soaking up sun rays and converting their energy into electricity, but without a good handle on their locations...

  28. At the current rate, the wind industry is on course to add 30GW of new capacity in next three years, thereby taking the cumulative...

  29. North Korea’s Kim Jong Un is trying to develop alternative energy — everything from wind and tidal power to gasification of coal — to...

  30. This picture shows an electrode pattern that I haven't seen before. Usually the electrodes are simply straight lines of silver. This cell is for sale...

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