1. Here is what they don't tell you...   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-yALPEpV4w

  2. EXCERPT - The social cost of carbon, a measurement in dollars of the damages supposedly caused by releasing a metric ton of greenhouse gases,...

  3. ...Referencing blog post with same title. "$15 trillion: this is the amount of money to be invested in new power capacity globally over the next...

  4. https://evadoption.com/2030-20-million-more-ice-vehicles-will-be-on-the-roads-in-the-us-than-in-2021/ EV Sales & Marketshare, Future, Mass Adoption, Regulation and Incentives, Vehicles in operation May 8, 2021 5 Comments 2030: 20 Million More ICE Vehicles Will Be on the Roads in the...

  5. Renewable energy production surpassed coal-fired generation for the first time in the U.S., according to the latest figures from the U.S. EIA. Sources like wind...

  6. "The U.S. is woefully unprepared to handle “the electrification of everything,” as Amy Myers Jaffe, a research professor at Tufts University’s Fletcher School, describes...

  7. One point I realised when researching my book DARK AGES: The looming destruction of the Australian power grid (Connor Court 2023), is that any...

  8. The output from the UK wind turbines has plummeted from 14.3 MW to just 4.7 MW recently, when there is a widespread concern over...

  9. https://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Solar-Energy/The-World-Is-Facing-A-Solar-Panel-Waste-Problem.html#comment_added Disposing of waste from solar panels and wind turbines is a very unpopular with greenies. This is a good introduction to the solar panel...

  10. https://johnssolarblog.com/f/the-world-of-used-solar-modules-is-like-a-tidal-wave-now For various reasons, panels from utility solar farms become 'surplus' and are available to smaller scale users. Some of it is due to 'act...

  11. About 343,000 sun-hungry panels fuel Babcock Ranch, where residents are just starting to move in. Babcock Ranch offers a town-size rejoinder to those who...

  12. I think we can make this a thread for updates. They're coming in regularly, after all. So, FPL to build world’s largest solar-powered battery plant in...

  13. https://www.news24.com/Green/News/climate-activist-greta-thunberg-is-time-2019-person-of-the-year-20191211 THUNDERBERGS ARE GO.......  

  14. Scottish tidal sector ‘at tipping point’, renewables policy chief says Interesting to see how and when it happens.

  15. With the IPCC producing another huge report with yet another call to do something about emissions, I thought it might be interesting to look...

  16. Deploying renewables on the scale necessary to limit global temperature rise below 2 degrees would require current investment to double by 2020, and triple...

  17. According to the World Economic Forum’s Fostering Effective Energy Transition report, there are 43 countries that boast well-performing energy systems and high-transition readiness, which...

  18. This article from 2014 should probably be a sticky for this Renewables sub-forum.  But that's just my opinion. This article is a brutally cold, hard...

  19. One example of the often very poor justification, if not downright nonsensical argument, used to justify investment in renewables we need look no further...

  20. https://www.ibj.com/articles/trump-orders-biofuel-boost-in-bid-to-temper-farm-state-anger Trump orders biofuel boost in bid to temper farm state anger

  21. oh, it just gets nuttier and nuttier. And Tesla's share price just gets higher and higher.  After getting his patties slapped by the SEC yesterday,...

  22. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/This-Tweak-Could-Be-A-Gamechanger-For-Lithium-Ion-Batteries.html This Tweak Could Be A Gamechanger For Lithium-Ion Batteries By Irina Slav - Apr 17, 2019, 5:00 PM CDT Join Our Community  

  23. Society would have to enact “unprecedented” changes to how it consumes energy, travels and builds to meet a lower global warming target or it...

  24. Exelon's status as renewable power force teeters A major California bankruptcy could lead the Chicago-based power giant to lose most of its wind farms—and a...

  25. According to a report by UK accountancy firm Ernst & Young, the United States moved up to second place in a ranking of the...

  26. According to Reuters, U.S. has refused to sign an agreement on challenges in the Arctic due to discrepancies over climate change wording, diplomats said...

  27. Electricity provided by natural gas was 4.6% more than in June 2019. In comparison, total electrical generation by all renewable energy sources rose by...

  28. Installations between 2018 and 2022 will be 13 percent lower than originally forecast, GTM Research said in the quarterly solar market report it conducts...

  29. The region was long the country’s smallest solar market, in part because state regulators argued it was just too expensive. Now that prices have...

  30. The Emiratis, true to themselves, are quick to get on the solar bandwagon. Interesting article on the topic. They're also into smart tech and...

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