1. In 2017, renewable sources generated 24% of the world’s electricity. By 2023, that total will rise to almost 30% with the addition of 1...

  2. Go, go, go! @Jan van Eck, you might want to start thinking about mass production.

  3. A new Wood Mackenzie's report forecasts that the world will shift from the age of oil and gas to the age of renewables by...

  4. Society would have to enact “unprecedented” changes to how it consumes energy, travels and builds to meet a lower global warming target or it...

  5. A gold-hungry bug opens door for more efficient biofuels Okay, just how cool is this?

  6. Amazon is set to install solar panels at its fulfillment centers across the U.K. The panels will have an installed capacity of 20 MW....

  7. China now releases almost as much carbon dioxide as the U. S. and Europe combined. The true imbalance is much larger than it appears...

  8. Some amusing weekend reading. China decides to cut government subsidies for new solar projects, and the global solar power industry has a financial conniption. And the...

  9. Three decades after nuclear disaster, Chernobyl goes solar

  10. "Had California and Germany invested $680 billion into new nuclear power plants instead of renewables like solar and wind farms, the two would already...

  11. Ontarians now suffering from forcing wind turbines on the consumers. https://climatechangedispatch.com/ontario-green-act-disaster/

  12. native trees and oil seeds both edible and non edible

    i just wonder  for an exact or near approximate hotricultural survey has been undertaken in both African and Asian countries. we have fantastic resources...

  13. Both the California Senate and Assembly that approved Senate Bill 100 for Governor Brown to sign into law, that will set California on a...

  14. Today, roughly 25 percent of the European Union's power currently comes from nuclear sources, with coal and gas each delivering a little above 20...

  15. This giant battery cost $66 million and it reportedly already made up to $17 million during the first 6 months of operation. It is...

  16. Thought that I heard the concept before, but just read this article from Leonard Hyman and William Tilleshttps://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Renewable-Energy/How-The-Sahara-Could-Power-The-Entire-World.html Especially the fact that solar panels in...

  17. According to UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), climate change is having a negative effect on global agriculture and is driving up the number...

  18. Back in 1988, if we are to trust this news report, scientists predicted that by 2018 the Maldives will be underwater. They are not....

  19. Solar still thriving with Trump tariffs. http://dailycaller.com/2018/09/24/solar-projects-surge-after-trump-tariffs/

  20. Energy demand projections suggest we'll need to add tremendous amounts of renewable generation capacity to meet the coming increase. Some say it won't be...

  21. https://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/news/health/poorly-children-drive-themselves-operations-2014633  

  22. This year saw new solar output highs across Europe as summer temperature records were smashed. In the U.K., solar broke the record for weekly output...

  23. Huge win for California! 🤘 California Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a measure requiring the state to produce all its electricity from renewable sources by...

  24. Not a joke. Hair is a renewable resource, people!

  25. The Public Service Company of Colorado will retire 660 megawatts of coal and replace it with more than 1,800 megawatts of wind and solar....

  26. European oil majors are looking for more than just deepwater gushers in Brazil, which is already a regional leader in renewable energy. They also...

  27. Musk shared on Twitter that Tesla Gigafactory 1 will be powered 100% by Tesla Solar by the end of 2019. The confirmation came as...

  28. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2018-germany-emissions/   Germany, the nation that did more than any other to unleash the modern renewable-energy industry, is likely to fall short of its goals for...

  29. A very informative article on the solar ambitions of the oil kingdom.

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