1. IBM chemists have found a faster way to recycle plastics, even stuff coated with residue No more washing the plastics!

  2. Quote   While IRENA touts declining costs over the past decade or two, the global push toward green energy and the race for net-zero commitments are...

  3. The government of the United Kindom that is determined to get cars on fossil fuels off the roads by 2030, did encourage motorists to...

  4. Tesla is offering free charging stations for businesses to offer to their employees, that way people can charge their vehicles during offpeak hours while...

  5. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-11-26/arsenal-is-first-u-k-soccer-club-to-install-battery-at-stadium?utm_campaign=news&utm_medium=bd&utm_source=applenews I"m a footy fan, though despise Arsenal. Storage, to time shift when you purchase electricity and thereby pay less, is being profitable. Personally not...

  6. Hi all, I greatly appreciate reading your posts and responses and wonder what you think.  My other half said that old cars are more environmentally...

  7. https://www.pv-tech.org/us-solar-asset-underperformance-worsened-over-last-decade-prompting-p50-estimate-concerns/ US solar asset underperformance worsened over last decade, prompting P50 estimate concerns ByLiam Stoker October 28, 2021

  8. According to the state, current plans for offshore wind development on the U.S. East Coast call for turbines to be partially assembled in port...

  9. Now they're coming for the food. I have an easy solution for all our problems: those who suffer anxiety and related disorders because they...

  10. Cheaper, Cleaner Biofuel May Be Right Around The Corner https://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Biofuels/Cheaper-Cleaner-Biofuel-May-Be-Right-Around-The-Corner.html#comment_added    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isobutanol   By Haley Zaremba - Apr 24, 2019, 3:00 PM CDT Join Our Community  

  11. or so says this: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/elon-musk-made-less-than-the-typical-tesla-employee-in-2017-2018-04-26  "According to Tesla, Musk made $49,920 in salary in 2017 with no other compensation, and Musk refused to accept the salary...

  12. A Siemens report on the Middle East's energy prospects until 2035 says gas will be toe dominant power generation fuel. There are solar power...

  13. Wow.  After such hype by OilPrice.com recommending this stock along with a few others in this space this company's stock got killed as a...

  14. The UN predicts two-thirds of the world’s population will be living in cities by 2050. While the move towards urbanization cannot be reversed, many...

  15. This Chinese wind turbine maker was convicted for stealing trade secrets from AMSC, causing the Massachusetts based company to lose more than $800 million...

  16. With climate change the UK government set ambitious targets to reduce emissions by 57 percent by 2030. Alternatives like wind, solar and renewable energy...

  17.   Power-strapped North Korea is exploring two ambitious alternative energy sources, tidal power and coal-based synthetic fuels, that could greatly improve living standards and reduce...

  18. The extent of ideological brainwashing going on in Europe has come to a head. Norwegian lawmakers have nominated a 16 year old for the...

  19. Oh no!  Those terrible fossil fuels.  The January 6th Capitol Riots were terrorism because people demanded liberty and transparency, but this riot is to...

  20. Great piece today on OP: https://oilprice.com/Finance/the-Markets/Clean-Energy-Stocks-Outperform-Oil-And-Gas.html Clean energy stocks have been outperforming fossil fuels ... really a better bet for investors? I'll buy it. Oil and gas...

  21. https://calgaryherald.com/opinion/columnists/smith-alberta-oil-industry-may-be-key-to-solving-lithium-shortage Well! Isn't this interesting. Seems that it doesnt matter what way the energy sector goes alberta is a win win either way!  

  22. Fun fact: there is so much wind power capacity in some parts of China that the grid cannot take anymore, so a city has...

  23. Musk says Tesla will have positive cash flow in Q3 and Q4, and that it will not need to raise money.  Another one of Tesla's overly...

  24. Scientists are researching a new crystal which could be the answer for cheaper solar power than currently used silicon. Research is going into the...

  25. "Finding ways to reuse the technology is becoming more urgent as the global stockpile of EV batteries is forecast to exceed the equivalent of...

  26. https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2019/08/21/lawsuit-tesla-solar-panels-caused-fires-on-walmart-roofs/ Lawsuit: Tesla Solar Panels Caused Fires on Walmart Roofs 77

  27. According to IHS Markit Ltd forecast world's solar is about to hit 100 Gigawatts next year. And all thanks to world's biggest market for...

  28. https://electrek.co/2019/06/06/automakers-again-petition-us-ca-govts-to-close-emissions-pandoras-box-that-they-opened/

  29. City of Houston Surprises: 100% Renewable Electricity — $65 Million in Savings in 7 Years   The City is Estimated to See a $9.3 Million Reduction...

  30. https://financialpost.com/opinion/boondoggle-how-ontarios-pursuit-of-renewable-energy-broke-the-provinces-electricity-system/wcm/a54c7399-be71-47d0-893b-95e2b9b8f2f9/amp/?__twitter_impression=true

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