1. Marathon Los Angeles Refinery - Wilmington, California. The "Yellow Vests" in France were a symptom of a much larger problem. Should I wear mine to...

  2. The world's most powerful wind turbine, the first of 11 turbines, has been successfully installed in Aberdeen Bay. The turbine’s installation marks the first...

  3. Oh no!  Those terrible fossil fuels.  The January 6th Capitol Riots were terrorism because people demanded liberty and transparency, but this riot is to...

  4. "A group of plaintiffs from Estonia, France, Ireland, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, and the US are filing a lawsuit against the European Union on Monday (4...

  5. Tesla and BP team up to install a high-capacity Tesla battery at a wind farm in South Dakota, marking the first time the oil giant...

  6. Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani today approved setting up a 5,000 MW capacity solar park at the Dholera Special Investment Region, which would be...

  7. https://news.yahoo.com/californias-electric-car-revolution-designed-100041571.html The NIMBY realities raise their head again. These are the environmentalists who want no change against the environmentalists who want technological change. They will...

  8. Global investment in renewables fell 7% to $318 billion last year with the decline set to continue into 2018, threatening energy security, climate change...

  9. Cheaper, Cleaner Biofuel May Be Right Around The Corner https://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Biofuels/Cheaper-Cleaner-Biofuel-May-Be-Right-Around-The-Corner.html#comment_added    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isobutanol   By Haley Zaremba - Apr 24, 2019, 3:00 PM CDT Join Our Community  

  10. Key players beside China are USA, Japan, UK, India....I'm not sure that big energy will be supported, maybe is better say how will energy be...

  11. The UN predicts two-thirds of the world’s population will be living in cities by 2050. While the move towards urbanization cannot be reversed, many...

  12. Microsoft announced that it's buying 315 megawatts from two new solar projects in Virginia as part of its ongoing effort to power its global...

  13. An Oklahoma judge has slammed American Electric Power for basically trying to get the go-ahead for the Wind Catcher by cheating. She said they've...

  14. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/tesla-only-iron-based-batteries-225523932.html How will Iron based batteries compare to lithium? Are there notable improvements in them? I can see them being acceptable for those who require...

  15. The 1 megawatt floating photovoltaic farm is due to be installed on 1.5 hectares of an industrial lake in the power plant for generating...

  16. London is creating an "ultra low emissions zone" in the center city where older more polluting vehicles will have to pay a hefty fee...

  17. https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2019/09/02/la-times-tesla-residential-solar-panels-bursting-into-flames/   LA Times: Tesla Residential Solar Panels Bursting into Flames 208

  18. https://evadoption.com/2030-20-million-more-ice-vehicles-will-be-on-the-roads-in-the-us-than-in-2021/ EV Sales & Marketshare, Future, Mass Adoption, Regulation and Incentives, Vehicles in operation May 8, 2021 5 Comments 2030: 20 Million More ICE Vehicles Will Be on the Roads in the...

  19.   Ethanol is a popular fuel in Brazil and it competes there with natural gas, gasoline, or diesel. Now China is adding ethanol to its plans...

  20. https://news.yahoo.com/more-expensive-charging-electric-vehicle-150723451.html Which is more expensive: charging an electric vehicle or fueling a car with gas? Jamie L. LaReau, Detroit Free Press Sat, October 23, 2021, 10:07 AM    

  21. https://www.science.org/doi/pdf/10.1126/science.abh4049 Starch + fatty acids (vegetable oils) + phenols (flavorings and odorants) + sugars (glucose, sucrose, etc.) = plant based food (cereals, fruits, and starchy...

  22. The 'Chunnel' is around 30 miles long. This is only used for trains - cars and trucks are driven onto carriers and hauled through...

  23. Canada warming twice as fast as the rest of the world, report says "While both human activities and natural variations in the climate have contributed...

  24. China will launch a series of subsidy-free wind and solar projects this year to take advantage of a rapid fall in construction costs since...

  25. With immediate effect, the bank, which is the world’s 17th largest, says it «will no longer finance any new projects in the Arctic region.» Deutsche...

  26. Bravo Google https://futurism.com/google-energy-renewables/

  27. Using solar panels, advanced battery technology, we have made www.ecomarinebd.com for solar powered catamarans. Please check it out.

  28. native trees and oil seeds both edible and non edible

    i just wonder  for an exact or near approximate hotricultural survey has been undertaken in both African and Asian countries. we have fantastic resources...

  29. Unfinished nuclear plants have cost customers billions as have old nuclear plants that should have been retired but are kept alive by political cronies...

  30. More fantasy to fuel @markslawson 's nightmares. Oh wait, this is reality... Batteries are usurping the role of gas in the power system. Grid scale battery...

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