1. https://cleantechnica.com/2019/09/23/uk-offshore-wind-prices-reach-new-record-low-in-latest-cfd-auction/

  2. UK targets 30GW by 2030 with sector deal Can they pull it off?

  3. The government of the United Kindom that is determined to get cars on fossil fuels off the roads by 2030, did encourage motorists to...

  4. Repowering UK’s Onshore Wind Farms Is “Vital” In Face Of Looming Energy Gap "The report also lays out the case for potentially upgrading turbines which...

  5. Those who are still trying to claim that offshore wind is somehow cheaper than other forms of energy, notably coal, despite all the problems...

  6. "A secret UK push to weaken key EU climate laws before Brexit risks scotching the bloc's Paris commitments, MEPs say. The EU has committed to...

  7. Britain's support for Arctic oil and gas incompatible with climate goals - MPs Well, you can't have everyone happy all the time, can you?

  8. “#Climatechange is a man-made problem that requires a feminist solution.”   So, looks like the UN thinks there are only 2 genders.  That may trigger...

  9. The 'Chunnel' is around 30 miles long. This is only used for trains - cars and trucks are driven onto carriers and hauled through...

  10. The German utility is launching a pilot project for the conversion of electricity into something it calls "green methane." I'm not exactly sure what the...

  11. Few days after President Trump slapped a 30 percent tariff on foreign solar panels, Energy Secretary Rick Perry announced a $3 million grant competition to spur...

  12. The US Department of Energy (DOE) has earmarked $105.5m to support around 70 PV and concentrating solar power (CSP) projects, in another sign the...

  13. Trump wanted to undermine the Paris agreement with the US withdrawal but his move is eroding US influence in the world and helping China...

  14. In a study by scientists from Durham and Lancaster University, researchers examine emissions stemming from the US military's logistical supply chains. Just taking into account...

  15. “Offshore wind, with its potential for domestic electricity-generating capacity of more than 2,000 gigawatts (GW), could supply enough electricity to meet the needs of...

  16. attorneys at the U.S. International Trade Commission are arguing that their recommendation to impose a tariff on foreign solar cells - something President Donald...

  17. U.S. Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) urged President Donald Trump not to impose high tariffs on solar imports so as to preserve tens of...

  18. Solar industry, which employs 250,271 workers—more than fossil fuel industries like coal and natural gas combined —lost 9,800 jobs in 2017, according to a report published by the...

  19.  Wind energy now supplies more than 30% of the electricity in four states — Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, and South Dakota. Wind power generated 6.3% of...

  20. Interesting. Study shows output only drops 13% after 17 years in operation. https://cleantechnica.com/2020/05/25/us-wind-power-plants-show-little-decline-with-age/ Subsidy only for the first 10 years so thereafter farms only get wholesale price. 

  21. Natural gas knocked coal down far enough that renewables as a group were able to pass it up. https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=44277  

  22. I've blanked out the name of the vendor, however it wouldn't take much keyword searching to find the vendor. They're located in Arizona, in the...

  23. Note that the minimum order quantity is one shipping container, which may be a 20' or 40'. This isn't made clear.

  24. Screen shot of an ad by a company warehousing these in Miami. Solar farms that get trashed by weather events or warranty issues (think of...

  25. Commercial electric trucks ranging from regional delivery vans to big rigs will have places to plug in when they’re transporting goods up and down...

  26. Vectren announced this week it plans to slash the use of coal-generated electricity in its system from 78% to just 12% over the next...

  27. News flash: batteries do not *generate* electricity. Did California actually think this through?  Removing / retiring natural gas plants for generating electricity and creating a huge...

  28. Vestas over take siemens and GE Vestas to Launch Giant 15MW Offshore Wind Turbine (oedigital.com) no doubt Higher capacity factors & availability. 

  29. “If Tesla sets up three factories where 300,000 to 500,000 cars can be produced, then we are talking about a number of units between...

  30. The Washington Post reported that the White House will ask Congress next month for a 72 percent cut to research programs on clean energy...

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