1. https://www.ibj.com/articles/trump-orders-biofuel-boost-in-bid-to-temper-farm-state-anger Trump orders biofuel boost in bid to temper farm state anger

  2. After 30 Years Of Trying, Mercedes-Benz Ends Hydrogen Car Development Because It’s Too Costly   Saw this item in a newsletter. It about sums up the...

  3. https://www.nrel.gov/news/press/2020/nrel-six-junction-solar-cell-sets-two-world-records-for-efficiency.html "Scientists at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have fabricated a solar cell with an efficiency of nearly 50%. The six-junction solar cell now holds...

  4. The Renewables Team..... Perhaps a baseload energy system like this may be worth some discussion? Below is a comparison of area required vs energy generated for wind...

  5. "Renewable" Energy simply cannot survive without government subsidies (aka FREE MONEY).  Especially when competing against exceedingly low oil & gas prices.  "Renewable" energy train wreck...

  6. https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2020-03-26/california-approves-climate-change-target-that-critics-say-is-far-too-weak California approves climate change target that critics say is far too weak

  7. I've wanted to make a topic where I could get people to talk about nuclear, and to debate educated doubters. Everywhere else I go,...

  8. https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-02/ucl-flb021320.php At 88 Wh/l, this has roughly the energy density of lead acid batteries, but can be recharged in seconds.    

  9. Hey 99.99%, the .001% are laughing their butts off that the suckers (i.e. you) are buying the notion of austerity to combat a necessary...

  10. 25 cents / 4.81 is slightly over 5 cents per watt. I have no idea whether this ad is lowball or not. I find...

  11. Cant find current marked prices on hydrogen   

  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_moon https://time.com/5429288/china-chengdu-artificial-moon/ https://www.esquire.com/lifestyle/a23937900/china-man-made-moon-launching-2020/

  13. This picture shows an electrode pattern that I haven't seen before. Usually the electrodes are simply straight lines of silver. This cell is for sale...

  14. Ya think ! ? ! ?   Once again, ordinary people are not going along with the narrative being forcibly shoved down their throats by...

  15. Denmark breaking new records helped by interconnections with Germany and Scandinavia.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-climate-change-denmark-windpower/denmark-sources-record-47-of-power-from-wind-in-2019-idUSKBN1Z10KE

  16. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2020-01-10/renewable-green-energy-myth-50000-tons-non-recyclable-wind-turbine-blades-dumped THE RENEWABLE GREEN ENERGY MYTH: 50,000 Tons Of Non-Recyclable Wind Turbine Blades Dumped In The Landfill  

  17. Yep folks, unfortunately, them scientist fellas can't be trusted these days anymore. The climate change scam is not the first one they pulled right...

  18. So as the title suggests I am curious as to Gretta Thunberg the 16 year old climate change protesters ' zero carbon' voyage across...

  19. Interesting trial. Blending 20% by volume Hydrogen into the natural gas network at Keele University (UK)  HSE have approved project. https://www.businessgreen.com/bg/news/3084832/hydrogen-injected-into-gas-grid-as-part-of-groundbreaking-uk-trial 20% by volume equals about 7.5%...

  20. https://www.anakatawindpower.com/ Interesting. Formula One design comes to wind power. Winglets and aerofoils bring 10% performance improvements. Can be retrofitted to existing turbines with a payback...

  21. renewableenergy

    The Power of Water: Fuel, Agriculture and Desalination.   Global Blue Oceans International, LLC

  22. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/11/29/greta-thunberg-goes-full-marxist/ Typical watermelon. Green on the outside and red on the inside. RCW   Greta the Teenage Climate Puppet Goes Full Marxist 418

  23. This makes my head hurt. Climate Panic Armageddon is somehow morphing into the right for illegal aliens to move to the U.S. No worries though, if...

  24. https://www.news24.com/Green/News/climate-activist-greta-thunberg-is-time-2019-person-of-the-year-20191211 THUNDERBERGS ARE GO.......  

  25. Queen praises heroes who used a narwhal tusk and fire extinguisher to stop London Bridge attacker https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/queen-leads-tributes-to-brave-heroes-in-london-bridge-attack/2019/11/30/01438696-1372-11ea-b0fc-62cc38411ebb_story.html   This is a bit of a conundrum involving a...

  26. https://news.yahoo.com/china-says-developed-countries-lack-political-climate-goals-083243079.html As the West bends over backwards to adopt renewables, China demands billions and burns more coal than the rest of the world together. Xi continues...

  27. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Chinas-Renewable-Boom-Hits-The-Wall.html

  28. Quick charging just got solved using current tech.  The only improvement required?  A battery built in heater and gigantic charging cables good for at...

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