1. Please pay attention to the chart below.  Hard facts, hard numbers, no statistical f*ckery that I can determine.  No far left double talk or...

  2. The European passenger plugin vehicle market is on fire, having scored over 113,000 registrations in July (+213% year over year, the highest growth rate...

  3. https://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Solar-Energy/The-World-Is-Facing-A-Solar-Panel-Waste-Problem.html#comment_added Disposing of waste from solar panels and wind turbines is a very unpopular with greenies. This is a good introduction to the solar panel...

  4. the year long triual period demonstrated the value of regenerative braking and that the buses air conditioning systems were capable of managing the hot,...

  5. Electricity provided by natural gas was 4.6% more than in June 2019. In comparison, total electrical generation by all renewable energy sources rose by...

  6.   The U.S. Solar market has soared a solid 105.6% so far in 2020 compared with the Zacks S&P 500 Composite market’s growth of 6.5%....

  7. Germany – the home of the combustion engine – has now had its auto market “officially” disrupted by plug-in electric cars, which in July...

  8. Tesla TSLA +4.7% and PG&E recently broke ground on a record-setting energy storage system in Moss Landing (Monterey) California that, once complete, will be the largest such installation in...

  9. ExxonMobil has been kicked out of the Dow Jones Industrial Average index and replaced by Salesforce.com, a technology company with... a hockey stick. https://cleantechnica.com/2020/08/25/dow-jones-throws-exxon-mobil-overboard-in-massive-index-shakeup/

  10. With immediate effect, the bank, which is the world’s 17th largest, says it «will no longer finance any new projects in the Arctic region.» Deutsche...

  11. The average price of RPS contracts that were executed in 2019 was 2.82 ¢/kWh compared to 3.81 ¢/kWh in 2018. https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/uploadedFiles/CPUCWebsite/Content/About_Us/Organization/Divisions/Office_of_Governmental_Affairs/Legislation/2020/2020 Padilla Report.pdf

  12. The Australian iron ore miner is adding 10 full-sized hydrogen coaches, custom built by HYZON Motors, to replace the existing fleet of diesel coaches...

  13. https://financialpost.com/opinion/boondoggle-how-ontarios-pursuit-of-renewable-energy-broke-the-provinces-electricity-system/wcm/a54c7399-be71-47d0-893b-95e2b9b8f2f9/amp/?__twitter_impression=true

  14. A special announcement for those lamenting the imminent demise of the Tesla California investments:  Tesla has taken delivery of the world’s biggest casting machine and it...

  15. This was the first J.B. Hunt Intermodal delivery using this all-electric Class 8 truck, and it pulled out of the Southgate terminal this week....

  16.   60% efficiency with off the shelf technology  

  17. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-53450688 Includes picture of solar panels piled three stories high in a market in Lashkar Gah. Growth in solar utilization is doubling every year.

  18. Joe Biden expanded his energy and climate plans with a call for spending $2 trillion over four years on climate-friendly infrastructure — a proposal...

  19. Anyone reading the original post in OilPrice realizes it's a quote from an article in Forbes. "In the United States alone, the full decarbonization of...

  20. Lowest price I've seen for individual solar cells so far. Minimum order requirement is 10,000 cells, which costs $1,900 (plus shipping, tariffs, etc.) All of...

  21. A plan in the Australian state of New South Wales to build a 3 GW renewable energy zone has already attracted US$26.4 billion of...

  22. https://www.rechargenews.com/transition/a-wake-up-call-on-green-hydrogen-the-amount-of-wind-and-solar-needed-is-immense/2-1-776481 A wake-up call on green hydrogen: the amount of wind and solar needed is immense ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have an abundance of energy sources including vast amounts...

  23. In a nutshell: Wind is HIGHLY seasonal in medium latitudes and in low latitudes does not exist at all other than in form of...

  24. Natural gas knocked coal down far enough that renewables as a group were able to pass it up. https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=44277  

  25. “Vehicles with lithium-ion batteries, also used in cellphones, are expected to give way over the next few years to cars and trucks made with...

  26. The Model 3s replaced Dodge Chargers, so performance is not going to be an issue. As for cost, Tesla has also a significant lead. The...

  27. https://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/introducing-energy-storage-as-an-appliance-orison-seed-funding "The energy monitor costs $300 and the battery system costs $2,200 for 1.8 kilowatts/2.2 kilowatt-hours. That translates to a far less favorable system price...

  28. Plans to develop a 720 MW solar farm coupled with up to 400 MWh of battery storage have passed an important milestone now that...

  29. So, the famous left wing darling, baseball cap wearing big man, Michael Moore, was the executive producer of a documentary about renewable energy.  When I...

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