Energy Tech, Science, and Research

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  1. Do not click on those spamming links. Appeal to moderator to clean them up is ignored. Are they one gang? They can be dangerous. One...

  2. I wish I had used that phrase during multiple power plant incidents I was involved with. Anybody want a ride to Mars?  

  3. 📢📢Breaking news!!  📢📢  The real culprit of global warming and climate change found!! -  “Aryan”, chief role in creating culture and civilization around the globe throughout history....

  4. Watch a short clip yesterday. Barnacles are injuring a  seal by growing on its body. The seal was bleeding in pain &  rescued by...

  5. Добрый день господа[url=]![/url] Если Вы хотите найти качественный источник информации о событиях Украины на каждый день, тогда Вы обратились по адресу. Мы считаемся ТОПовым(ой)...



  8. Well, Cuba blacks out completely, twice. It ain't easy to restart a fully dead grid.  Lots of instability can occur unless the system is brought...

  9. A post on LinkedIn indicated that Israel determines to be there despite surrounded by enemies has been due to  possible ownership of gas fields...

  10. Most tropical lightning storms are radioactive   Missing link found in gamma emission phenomena from thunderclouds   Via NASA plane, scientists find new gamma-ray emission in storm clouds  

  11. 📢📢 Breaking News!! 📢📢 New evidence just shows global warming is real!!......  

  12. Someone at NASA got this shot of total solar eclipse... It gives us an insight into another less explored side of earth i.e. the earth...

  13. Let's start with the potential for "Surveillance Capitalism".  There is nothing in place to regulate the arise of something that gotta be a HUGE money...

  14.   Paper published in Nature: Separation and concentration of CO2 from air using a humidity-driven molten-carbonate membrane

  15. Quote Oakland-based startup Molten Industries is working to build it by relying on something that’s cheap and abundant in the US: natural gas. The company...

  16. Quote The LZN0.05-40YSZ composite anode achieved a maximum power density of 100.86 mW/cm2 at 800 °C, which is 1.8 times greater than that of NiO-based...

  17. BWXT Awarded Phase Two of Microreactor Evaluation Contract for State of Wyoming   That a spinoff of Babcock & Wilcox, FYI. They supply naval reactor systems.

  18. ...A new electrocatalyst called a-CuTi@Cu converts carbon dioxide (CO2 ) into liquid fuels.... Announcements like this have appeared before. This variant doesn't use any expensive...

  19. Why Solid Carbon is the Future of Energy Storage    

  20. Hope springs eternal. Harnessing the heat from the sun may be the obvious answer. RCW

  21. Reading the comments on facebook, realized this technology existed for half to near one century. It must be working well. Pioneers have always been...

  22. "...grassland pasture and range uses accounted for the largest share of the Nation's land base, surpassing land in forest uses, which includes grazed forest...

  23. We have been accustomed to the knowledge that climate change has hasten the speed of ice melting in the polar region and increased frequency...

  24. Saw this on facebook. Very similar to old water mill...  Hope this modification helps low yield wind turbines...    2. There is a modification for hydro letric too -...

  25. Not sure about the details of electronic  components used. But worth checking out as much cheaper and eco friendly alternative to solar panels.....   If it...

  26.   NEW Toyota AMMONIA Engine Shocks All EV Car Makers! ChargeDrive 7.21K subscribers             36,449 views Jul 11, 2023 #evcars #toyota Toyota might have just saved combustion engines from dying....

  27. I am a bit worried regarding the current news that stomach acids etc will kill the virus if its on food, so how do...

  28.   HEARD ON THE STREET Is It the End of the Road for Computing Power? That phone in your pocket was predicted by Moore’s Law, but it...

  29. The problem with this article the way it is written is that it is 'technically' wrong, since Earth is powered by an enormous fusion...

  30.   Graphene: The Strongest Material in the World made from TRASH? Discovery from Rice University Dr. James Tour 79.8K subscribers         Graphene: The Strongest Material in the World made...

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