Energy Tech, Science, and Research

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  1. I found this an interesting article. What do you think of these 5 (6) points? (((1. Price))) I am not sure how valid this point...

  2. We need to learn to analyze charts carefully. We can easily be fooled by them, if we are not careful! Reuters has a great reputation,...

  3. Most tropical lightning storms are radioactive   Missing link found in gamma emission phenomena from thunderclouds   Via NASA plane, scientists find new gamma-ray emission in storm clouds  

  4. The most powerful street-legal Ford Mustang ever built will go on sale this fall. A 5.2-liter supercharged V8 will crank out 760 horsepower in...

  5. In the absence of air,the microbial decomposition of organic matter produces approximately equal volumes of methane and carbon dioxide. Can anyone explain to me...

  6. Fracking with CO2 instead of water could be more efficient - study That could be a win-win.


  8. German Greens Want to Persuade Voters to Power Economy With Debt  

  9. Despite being dubbed as the dirtiest of all fossil fuels, the revival of coal-fired power stations is accelerating as the power companies have been...

  10. Global Innovation Index 2019 is the most comprehensive ranking I know related to Innovation. It is common effort by Cornell University, INSEAD and WIPO...

  11. Building a marine supply infrastructure as part of a future hydrogen society   As a transport fuel, hydrogen has already become a solution for road transport,...

  12.   Graphene: The Strongest Material in the World made from TRASH? Discovery from Rice University Dr. James Tour 79.8K subscribers         Graphene: The Strongest Material in the World made...

  13.   Graphene: The Strongest Material in the World made from TRASH? Discovery from Rice University Dr. James Tour 79.8K subscribers         Graphene: The Strongest Material in the World made...

  14. Low temperature conversion of CO2 to graphite. Article implies lower cost production of Li-ion battery electrodes. Graphite is a stable form of carbon, which could be...

  15. 📢📢Breaking news!!  📢📢  The real culprit of global warming and climate change found!! -  “Aryan”, chief role in creating culture and civilization around the globe throughout history....

  16. The two European car giants have been fined by the European Union for colluding to curb the use of emissions-cleaning technology and violating its competition...

  17. Human data mining where we are completely open and exposed to being manipulated, at what point does it change from being freaky when targeted...

  18. Some insights, these make some sense.  A short read.

  19.   Paper published in Nature: Separation and concentration of CO2 from air using a humidity-driven molten-carbonate membrane

  20. New material for hydrogen fuel tanks: "The cost of manufacturing our material is so low, and the energy density it can store is so much...

  21. Liquid hydrogen has to be kept at -253C. The tanks to contain it are not only heavier but four times the size of conventional...

  22. Whether it's ready or not, billions of dollars of investment say hydrogen hype is real. 

  23. Media still insists there is only anecdotal evidence for HCQ effectiveness. These research papers should put that objection to rest. For the prepper crowd lurking here,...

  24. Some newer experimentation for steam reforming for manufacturing hydrogen from natural gas.  Some of you may be surprised to know that one of the...

  25. Hyundai's Hydrogen Semi-Truck Concept Is Built to Take on Tesla     Hyundai's Hydrogen Semi-Truck Concept Is Built to Take on Tesla  

  26. An Indiana integrated gasification combined cycle plant (IGCC) to be converted for ammonia production will receive funding from OGCI Climate Investments for an adjacent...

  27. Industry-ready process makes plastics chemical from plant sugars Developing renewable, plant-based alternatives for petroleum-derived chemicals is a major piece of the effort to transition away...

  28.   HEARD ON THE STREET Is It the End of the Road for Computing Power? That phone in your pocket was predicted by Moore’s Law, but it...

  29.   Lifting and lowering tons of bricks: the best storage solution for Wind and Solar intermittency? February 16, 2022 by James Conca It’s a high capacity storage system that’s...

  30. An interesting video presentation of ways to use ALL available clean energy technologies for now, and continue heading for Nuclear Fusion, which, they say,...

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