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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2024 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    The Car Industry Misjudges Consumer Demand for Electric Vehicles The Car Industry Misjudges Consumer Demand for Electric Vehicles | OilPrice.com Oh dear Eco looks like the numbers youve been posting arent accurate at all!!!
  2. 1 point
    I dont think you read the article buddy "Octopus Electric Vehicles delivers around a thousand cars every month and says order numbers have risen 40 per cent on last year, with over 5,000 companies signed up." The "existing data" as you say is flawed as per the article. The rise of electric vehicles: EVolution of the fleet - PwC UK How many EVs are there in the UK - EV market statistics 2024 - Zapmap (zap-map.com)
  3. 1 point
    At least we have a FREE health system for one and all. That is something to be very proud of. Farage would be a disaster, no clue economically whatsoever, his party are full of failed politicians who wouldnt know what to do if elected (which they never will be fortunately). You like him purely because he likes Trump, you actually know nothing about him or the party he represents.
  4. 1 point
    Interesting that some here complain about rare earths in renewable power generation, when: As of today, June 8, 2024, here's an estimate of the market values of the catalyst metals in an average cat converter: Platinum (Pt): 7 grams x $31.08 per gram (price per gram can vary) = approximately $217.56 Palladium (Pd): 7 grams x $29.68 per gram (price per gram can vary) = approximately $207.76 Rhodium (Rh): 2 grams x $145.48 per gram (price per gram can vary) = approximately $290.96 Hmmmm, the REAL Players in common solar panels are: Silicon, indium, gallium, selenium, cadmium, and tellurium. These are sometimes referred to as rare metals, but they're not classified as true rare earth elements.
  5. 1 point
    I have, numerous times. Self-reported numbers from the industry. Clear negative health effects. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=PM+2.5 The only thing discredited is you. You can only knowingly deny facts so many times before people will realize you are dishonest. Pipe your car exhaust into your house if you think it is so safe. It has a catalytic converter so must be harmless! You won't do that because you know it is poison.
  6. 1 point
    There are a lot more coal-fired generating units retiring (or converting to NG if practical) in the next 10 years. A few examples: Duke Energy Corp.: This major utility plans to completely retire their coal fleet by 2035 (though regulatory approval is needed). American Electric Power Co. Inc.: They are actively retiring coal plants with a schedule to remove over 4.7 GW of capacity by 2028. Colstrip Units 1 & 2 (Montana): These units are slated for retirement in 2025, with Unit 4 potentially following in 2032. Cummins Station (Michigan): This plant is scheduled for a phased retirement with the final unit closing by 2025. ...and a little more "evidence" in this chart about the effects of past retirements. If you need assistance parsing the data, let me know.
  7. 1 point
    The BBC article directly links you to the published science. You dismiss things without even looking due to your biases. https://www.e-emj.org/journal/emj/emj-47-2/pdf/emj-47-2-20.pdf
  8. 0 points
    Lithium itself is a potentially more dangerous emission than the coal mines, and we have seen a drastic reduction of coal-based pollution with newer technologies, while lithium and cobalt related pollution remains without remediation.
  9. 0 points
    The Car Industry Misjudges Consumer Demand for Electric Vehicles The Car Industry Misjudges Consumer Demand for Electric Vehicles | OilPrice.com Oh dear Eco looks like the auto industry got their numbers wrong!!
  10. 0 points
    The trends are massively impressive in terms of reducing toxic particulates from fossil fuels, almost entirely eliminated with very little left to accomplish. On the other hand, the dangers of lithium and cobalt are toxic to humans and will contaminate drinking water for billions of people. Thus, it is the renewable sector which has to account for unacceptable pollution which threatens human life.
  11. 0 points
    As I was driving to town one day, I noticed a sign on the side of the road. It said “Republican puppies for sale”. At the time I thought nothing of it. But, a couple weeks later, I was driving by and it said “Democrat puppies for sale” so I stopped and spoke to the boy that had the puppies. I asked him why the sign said Republican puppies two weeks ago, but Democrat puppies now. His answer was priceless: “Well, sir, they have their eyes open now.”
  12. 0 points
    All you can find are one-sided propaganda blurbs? That is sad. You need to show us some recent data linking coal use to serious illnesses. Otherwise this fails to impress.
  13. 0 points
    Joe Public has already turned his back on your crazy leaders and their crazy schemes. EVs are tanking everywhere.