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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2024 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    A lot of material has come out since I past posted on electric vehicles last year when a host of car dealers wrote to President Biden asking for him to pause a government attempt to mandate such cars, all of it confirming that there is no immediate threat to the oil market from the rise of EVs. In that letter the dealers declared that EVs had their place but more time was needed for consumers to get use to the idea and in the meantime EVs were piling up on their lots. EV apologists at the time tried to brush this aside by claiming that the letter was signed "only" by 20 per cent or so of the total number of registered dealers or whatever (I didn't treat this with the contempt it deserved at the time but now I will say this Bwwwwwhahahahahah!) Anyway, here is video listing the various reasons that the growth of the EV market is slowing markedly. Here is another pointing to the problem of Ford dealers being unwilling to get into selling EVs in the first place. A major obstacle is the big upfront cost required to build charging stations on the lot and train staff in the cars. This also mentions the rather grim statistic that Ford is losing an estimated $US36,000 on each EV it sells. As the US Congress has now voted to block government efforts through the EPA to mandate EVs, the EV market will have to face the grim fact that consumers still, by and large, prefer gas/petrol cars and car makers are having real problems achieving the volumes that will help them reduce prices.