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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2024 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I am aware of the ramp up and the money that is being wasted in the follow through on an unnecessary technology that deserves a lot more study before civilians are saddled with the costs they will invariably pay for the boondoggles involved. I realize that excess wind and solar power might be used but think that the expense involved leaves little or no real practical gain. I could be wrong but hope that investors do not go right after the public purse when we are 30 trillion dollars in debt! Show me a plan to actually save consumers money and make me a true believer like you.
  2. 1 point
    Poor people can afford a few hundred dollars to purchase and register a used fossil fuel clunker?????? nope most poor people (ie Homeless people) cannot afford new cars of any type let alone beaters or clunkers.......clunkers do not last forever...and they do not magically repair themselves nor do the tanks get filled up with a few pennies. . For many poor people cars of any type are out of reach....... if it was true that the poor could afford clunkers you would not see homeless people camping out everywhere, living on the streets or under bridges. some day their will be EV/Phev cars on their last legs......sold for a few hundred dollars.....scrap value....same as your clunkers today which some homeless people will buy and use them to camp in them, no different than your clunker world today. You will see EV encampments in front of free charging stations. or have a few solar panels built in the cars.......a couple of miles a day from the sun.....oh the transition will occur even for the poor......some will have old tired EVs most will have nothing Unless you think EVs will retain their value forever????? They never die???? No such fate awaits second-hand EVs??????? ...now the question are there any gas stations that give away gas for free in your dreamy clunker world????.....I still see guys standing on the corner...begging for change (or bucks these days) to buy gas........ gone will be the days when you tank is siphoned off overnight....or do you think poor people will hot wire EVs to steal electrons????? Poor people can afford a few hundred dollars to purchase and register a used fossil fuel clunker....??????? you are not dealing with reality All cars are not cheap to own, run, insure, maintain including your ICE clunkers or EVs
  3. 1 point
    Guess what, even poor people can afford a second-hand fossil fuel car (not an EV, to be sure). Some of them cost only a few hundred dollars.
  4. 0 points
    Just for fun watch a 1994 movie. Chain Reaction about the discovery of cheap hydrogen to save the world. It is an action thriller with Keanu Reeves and Morgan Freeman. file:///home/chronos/u-a25e6c781b74b930441af739f4324d69cd73e655/MyFiles/Downloads/Chain%20Reaction%20(1996).mhtml