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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/2024 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    UK Oil and Gas Industry Hits Emissions Target Four Years Early UK Oil and Gas Industry Hits Emissions Target Four Years Early | OilPrice.com
  2. 2 points
    It is more like just a total vehicle sales collapse now. Stellantis is closing out Dodge, Chrysler, Ram Trucks, and Jeep. Many thousands of unsold Jeeps are owned by dealers that are now 2003, 2004, and 2005 models. Dealers are being left to fail without help from Stellantis. Ford, Chevy, and all the others are suffering from lack of sales. This is due to jacking up prices to unaffordable prices.
  3. 1 point
    This is an excerpt from an article in iSee cars where they have crunched the numbers. The article strongly suggests that Hybrids will eventually dominate the market which makes way more sense than EVs. Highlights: Electric cars are driven 20 percent less than gasoline cars; combined with their higher prices they cost 63.6 percent more for every 1,000 miles driven per year Hybrids and plug-in hybrids are also driven less than gasoline models, but only by 2.7 and 4.8 percent, respectively, making their cost-per-1,000 miles per year much closer The average electric car costs $5,108 for every 1,000 miles per year it’s driven compared to $3,056 for a hybrid car, $3,123 for a gasoline car, and $4,351 for a plug-in hybrid The Porsche Taycan EV is the most expensive alternative-fuel car to drive, costing over $22,000 for every 1,000 miles it’s driven per year, followed by the Porsche Cayenne plug-in hybrid at $14,681 and the Tesla Model S at $11,623 The Honda Insight Hybrid is the least expensive alternative fuel car to drive, costing $1,463 per 1,000 miles per year, followed by the Hyundai Ioniq Hybrid at $1,813 and Toyota Corolla Hybrid at $1,857 When comparing how people use gasoline, hybrid, and electric vehicles, 3-year-old gas cars are driven 12,813 miles a year while EVs are driven 20 percent less, or 10,256 miles. Plug-in hybrids are driven 12,199 miles, or 4.8 percent less than gasoline cars, while standard hybrids are driven 12,471 miles, or 2.7 percent less than gasoline models.
  4. 1 point
    Quite true! But THAT plant would be wonderful for supporting variable renewable sources. It will be able to LOAD CYCLE with a large energy storage component. No other Nuc plant in the USA cycles. They all run pedal-to-the-metal, or not at all.
  5. 1 point
    Black Rock and others are have purchased thousands of homes to use them as rentals, driving up real estate prices in highly populated areas. These transactions are often off the normal records that are looked at to determine housing sales. The legal process to transfer titles on these makes it much easier to repossess them if the buyer misses payments.
  6. 1 point
    Funny, but thermal solar systems (like for hot water) can get too hot. Concentrated solar reflecting arrays often have to point some of the mirrors off into space to prevent overheating. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concentrated_solar_power
  7. 1 point
    It's interesting to ask,who holds that debt? The U.S. national debt is primarily held by domestic investors, accounting for approximately 79% of the total debt held by the public as of December 2023. Foreign investors hold the remaining 21% of the U.S. national debt. The top five foreign holders of U.S. debt are Japan, China, the United Kingdom, Luxembourg, and Canada. China holds only about 12% of that 21%, or about 2.5% (about $750 billion). As of April 2024, the United States held approximately $770 billion in Chinese debt. Hmmm... "We have met the enemy, and they is us".
  8. 1 point
    even poor people can afford a second-hand fossil fuel car???????? nope even used vehicles have costs.....annual registration fees is one that is a hurdle for many homeless people. A unregistered vehicle does not last forever on the streets.....if they are not able to move/broken down.........ticket ticket ticket....then a boot....then off to an impound lot many cities do give those who are homeless a break and do not tow away their clunkers or beat up RVs if they do run...if they do not ....off to impound homeless has different levels of poverty......... some homeless people have more than others...... the last use of large clunkers and old RVs ..........they do not burn much gas........most only move a few miles a year Living in an old RV or van is much better than living under a bridge Leaving work today I passed by a sweep.......Police were forcing a few homeless ...RVers in an encampment to move on ...these encampments last for a week and then they are on the move........many struggle keeping the old clunkers running Is there a charity that keeps clunkers running for the homeless.......I actually think this would be a good thing for local governments to help the homeless to keep their old clunker homes/old RVs running. A metal clunker roof is better than no roof....... now has anyone seen an EV being used for housing??????
  9. 1 point
    cost of batteries getting cheaper and cheaper and cheaper for a battery in a typical EV with a range of 300 miles which needs 85 KWH of storage $3000 with these new Silicon Anodes.....no cobalt or nickel needed which is one fourth the cost of what they were costing just 2 years ago the batteries in 85 KWH battery pack will weigh only 170 KG.........360 pounds (520 WH /kg energy density ) Most EVs have a miles per kWh rating of 3–4 miles, with very efficient models reaching 4 miles or more and less efficient models reaching around 2.5 miles couple that with your electric motors and the total weight of an EV drive system is well under 1000 pounds......much less than an ICE motor/drivetrain Clunkers are doomed Home storage battery systems............coupled with solar panels... game changer electrive.com Paraclete announces battery density breakthrough Paraclete Energy has announced a cost of $35 per kilowatt hour for its new silicon-based anode material SILO Silicon. . 1 day ago SILO Silicon as a highly competitive alternative to conventional graphite anodes commonly used in LFP batteries, which currently cost $53 per kWh. The cost reduction achieved with SILO Silicon is due to advanced material science and optimised manufacturing processes. According to the company, Paraclete’s Silo currently offers an energy density of over 520 Wh/kg, “significantly exceeding the capabilities of traditional graphite anodes.”
  10. 0 points
    A clear indication that EVs increasing would mean less transportation services...embrace poverty, folks.
  11. 0 points
    USA company, just saying. Eat your young.