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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2024 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    The EV makers figured out how to make them cheap; now the major hold back to the average consumer will be the huge tariffs. 100% WTF?
  2. 1 point
    so you are saying that those who drive less are embracing poverty????????? I guess this is true if you are homeless and do not own a clunker.......it would fit your less transportation services...embrace poverty babble and if your only source of income is from Uber or Lyft that the more you drive the more money you earn. Otherwise driving more costs more money and would decrease your money in the bank I drive less than 4,000 miles a year........so by your metrics I am only driving 1/3 the mileage of an average car owner???? This would mean I am in dire poverty............huh and by driving an EV or a plug in hybrid one embraces poverty????????? A clear indication that EVs increasing would mean less transportation services...embrace poverty, folks.????? thanks for your BS babble What next????? windmills cause cancer??????