still babbling BS i see...........
After all, sweet crude is by and large just Heavy crude without the contaminants. ????????
you are a world class idiot.....
and you work at a refinery?????? if not where do you work at??????
please share it with us where you gain such wisdom, After all you stated, sweet crude is by and large just Heavy crude without the contaminants.....Truly you are a world class idiot.
Go suck your thumb?????? dude you are just a babbling idiot. Why are you on this forum again?
here are the basics ,,,, and please note that there is no mention of contaminants whatsover
Heavy crude contains the right hydrocarbons (the ones that sell with high profit margins) that you could never refine out of light crude. Most refineries refine heavy crude as this is where the money is at. Producing Gasoline is not a profit center for refineries in the US. Heavy crude is the name of the game and you cannot crake heavys out of lights.
here is a starter crude is now an,and higher costs for consumers.
What's the difference between heavy and light crude oils?
Heavier crude is now an essential feedstock for many U.S. refineries. Substituting it for U.S. light sweet crude oil would make these facilities less efficient and competitive, leading to a decline in fuel production and higher costs for consumers.4 days ago
Refineries run on a mix of crude oils in order to run efficiently and maximize outputs. More than 70% of U.S. refining capacity runs most efficiently with heavier crude. That is why 90% of crude oil imports into the United States are heavier than U.S.-produced shale crude.
The primary chemical difference between light crude and heavy crude oil is the composition of hydrocarbon molecules, with light crude containing a higher proportion of smaller, lighter hydrocarbon chains (like methane and ethane) which results in a lower density and viscosity, while heavy crude contains a higher proportion of larger, heavier hydrocarbon chains (like asphaltenes) leading to a higher density and viscosity; essentially, light crude has a higher proportion of "lighter" molecules compared to heavy crude which has more "heavy" molecules.