1. Journey to the future: How Samsung is creating a TV that can be controlled by your brain Why, why would anyone need this?

  2. The tech giants have gotten too big too fast. They need to fall. Or so says this guy here. While I agree that "too...

  3. Britain takes careful notice of what the United States says on the risks of using Huawei in 5G networks and does not want to...

  4. British Airways-owner IAG is facing a record $230 million fine for the theft of data from 500,000 customers from its website last year under...

  5. Twitter has recommended its 336 million users change their passwords. The company announced it discovered a bug that saved user passwords unprotected on an internal log. Twitter said...

  6. While China's electric car industry is booming, Beijing is looking to phase out subsidies by 2020,  forcing the sector to adopt to  a new...

  7. https://www.powermag.com/xuzhou-3-shows-the-future-of-subcritical-coal-power-is-sublime/ Xuzhou 3 Shows the Future of Subcritical Coal Power Is Sublime  

  8. According to Freeman Shen, founder of Chinese EV start-up WM Motor if Tesla were to start producing its EVs in China, it could help...

  9. We will hear more and more about carbon capture in the near future. Y Combinator, the startup funder that funded airbnb and Dropbox is...

  10. Using cars as home batteries: Makers vie for new market  

  11. Google's executive director defended his company's plan to explore a search engine tailored for users in China, despite concerns that would enforce the country's...

  12. There is new diagrams and explanation about a new engine design call central compression piston engine. It compress the charge(air) and expand it in a...

  13. Any favourites yet? I saw a new Nissan Leaf, pretty cute, IBM's releasing a quantum computer, and a company's disputing the ban of its...

  14. "Working with Internet of Things services from Microsoft Corp., Chevron aims to enable thousands of pieces of equipment with sensors by 2024 to predict exactly...

  15. Chevron, Total and Reliance join oil blockchain platform Vakt I remember reading a few days ago about a blockchain hack... I don't want to be...

  16. Although General Motors announced the company will expand production and sales of the Chevy Bolt EV by the end of the year, sales plunged...

  17. The United States’ top spy catcher said Chinese espionage agencies are using fake LinkedIn accounts to try to recruit Americans with access to government...

  18. Sounds like a horrible time to compete with China's SOEs on auto sales. Who do you think the Chinese public support, Chinese automakers, or...

  19. Defence giant China Electronics Technology Group Corporation claims to have created a quantum radar that can detect stealth fighter jets from great distances and...

  20. China annual EV sales are on track to hit a one-million-unit milestone this year, as demand continues to rise significantly. In the first four...

  21. China has been working on state-backed "social credit score system" that is similar to a financial credit score but based on character and concocted from...

  22. Why does the WORLD use the United States Dollar?  Does it make sense to the People's Republic of China that the Renminbi is ready to...

  23. https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2019/11/01/china-launches-worlds-largest-5g-mobile-network/   China Launches World’s Largest 5G Mobile Network 44

  24. China's preparing for new EV production quotas, to enter into effect next year. The requirements are pretty complex but carmakers are getting ready, too....

  25. Is China’s plan to use a nuclear bomb detonator to release shale gas in earthquake-prone Sichuan crazy or brilliant?

  26. The robots – wired with wide LED smiles and cutesy personalities – are the brainchild of Chinese-American company AvatarMind, built to be futuristic retail...

  27. Interesting article on the 'night-owl' investors in China and their highly ambitious effort with the Shanghai crude oil futures contracts ...   https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-oil-futures-insight/chinas-night-owl-retail-investors-leverage-up-to-dominate-oil-futures-trade-idUSKCN1IF0PB?utm_source=applenews

  28. By the end of this year China will have two kilometer long highway formed with solar panels and it could charge electric cars while driving...

  29. For a change, it's not the millennials that are killing everything in sight. A new report from Bloomberg New Energy Finance suggests that China's electric-bus...

  30. OneSpace Technologies conducted the first private rocket launch in Chinese history this week, firing off the 30-foot (9 meter) OS-X from a platform in...

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