1. Everyone should learn a lesson on Democrats running anything let alone a Country! Vietnam 2.0…..

  2. https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2020/09/11/chinese-state-media-china-must-prepare-war/ Primary motive to scare potential adversaries and its own people while riling up the jingoistic. The actual effect will be to harm (even more)...

  3. https://www.fsmb.org/advocacy/news-releases/fsmb-spreading-covid-19-vaccine-misinformation-may-put-medical-license-at-risk/ “Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of...

  4.   Quote   This is Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation’s assessment of global excess mortality from COVID-19 from the beginning until May 3, 2021. (h/t Ron Unz) You can...

  5. Re Biden's proclamation to withdraw troops from Afghanistan by September. The proclamation is a clear violation of the agreement reached with the Taliban in Doha...

  6. Quote The move is also intended to claw back control of China's crude refining sector from private refiners to state-owned refineries. And it's reminiscent of...

  7. Whether an autocracy, plutocracy, or whatever -cracy you choose, the USA is definitely not a democracy. https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2021/1  

  8. Let's begin this exciting thread with His inauguration, shall we?  As the most popular President in the history of the United States, it promises...

  9. The Director of National Intelligence releases a report, and the press rushes to kick the football again. https://taibbi.substack.com/p/aaugh-a-brief-list-of-official-russia?fbclid=IwAR1soLn2LDdfikO7he0p-RIYDdYkwfRs1DhouOk_ZOVfmfBtVVZ0Vq4wXGM

  10. I do not think China would do this, but I cannot imagine the better swift, tactical move. The maximum cost of this magnanimous decision would be...

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xe0twpIdPM An excellent presentation by the esteemed Dr. Wolff.  May all Americans listen and learn from him. Then consider how relevant are Dr Wolff's words in...

  12. https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/29/politics/coronavirus-deborah-birx-donald-trump-joe-biden/index.html Excerpt: (CNN)The hundreds of thousands of citizens whose deaths from Covid-19 could have been avoided are owed national and political accountability, but the polarization of...

  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI5IaILWaXs&t=790s Dr. Martin confirms the covid was 1st developed/engineered in the USA. (I posted the patent # previously).  Did the CDC comply with the transfer...

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  15. Japan intends this week to dump into the Pacific many millions of gallons of waste water from the Fukushima disaster. The water contains a...

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  20.   https://www.cfact.org/2019/11/08/does-one-ten-thousandth-of-the-atmosphere-control-earths-thermostat/ Does one ten thousandth of the atmosphere control Earth’s thermostat? See both images.  The temperature is going down to 9 degrees tonight. We have about eight...

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  23. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-03-16/what-countries-will-fight-over-when-green-energy-dominates?srnd=premium&sref=RzXyyOXY "Global inequalities and rivalries will instead likely center on access to technology and finance, standard setting and control of key raw materials." 'Green' energy is...

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  25. Zeihan at Land Expo March 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kch4Z1GpNOQ  

  26.   WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Financial conditions in the United States were “generally good” right now, with the potential for its economic growth to outpace China,...

  27. https://www.yahoo.com/news/ceo-moderna-moment-first-realized-130100215.html Politics aside, this has been a fascinating read.  ******************** Bancel: Yes. So, I've been working in infectious disease all my career, and I've developed an eye for outbreaks....

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