1. As a UK citizen knowing my own country has rarely if ever been as polarized as it is today largely because of Brexit, I...

  2. https://www.theepochtimes.com/chinas-aggression-is-changing-the-nature-of-sovereignty_4118213.html and https://www.theepochtimes.com/us-and-the-solomon-islands-if-youre-not-there-youre-not-interested_4126547.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solomon_Islands#/media/File:Solomon_Islands_on_the_globe_(Oceania_centered).svg

  3. Excellent overview. Coronavirus hype biggest political hoax in history ANALYSIS / OPINION: The new coronavirus is real. The response to the coronavirus is hyped.  And in time, this...

  4. Let's begin this exciting thread with His inauguration, shall we?  As the most popular President in the history of the United States, it promises...

  5. Lacking the continuity of the other thread, let's observe how the Eejits attack and disrupt this thread. Make no mistake their agenda is not our agenda....

  6. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/01/25/as-markets-crash-and-war-fears-grow-russias-business-elite-suffers-in-silence-a76142 As Markets Crash and War Fears Grow, Russia’s Business Elite Suffers in Silence Some of the country’s most successful executives are preparing for heavy losses,...

  7. Saudi Arabia is really playing a devastating role against Iran.  Trump killed Iranian commander to escape from impeachment - what I believe.  But if Iran responds...

  8. Trump will capitulate on the trade war.  Why?  The key lies in who rescued Trump from his bankruptcies, who is the same person to...

  9. “Specifically, hydroxychloroquine use with or without co-administration of azithromycin did not improve mortality or reduce the need for mechanical ventilation in hospitalized patients,” they...

  10. It is my contention (the short version)… In order to install a new “governance”, the old system must be quietly and deceptively destroyed, where...

  11. The People's Republic of China, which celebrated its 70th anniversary on October 1, is led by the Chinese Communist Party's General Secretary, President Xi Jinping. In his...

  12. Good read.  As I have been saying for months now, Trump has *already won* the trade war against China. This article explains quite well what is going...

  13. Generally you go to war for a reason. So what's the reason? What is the US hoping to accomplish with further expenditures in the...

  14. Supposed to start first week in January. Everything said today ( and probably tomorrow during Impeachment vote) looks like a precurser for Republican's Motion...

  15. Hi All, I would like to clarify something. In various posts recently I have read statements to the effect of ''Trump will not be...

  16. well, well, the nordstream is 'resolved'. A series of coincidences?  The Bidet and Putin hold a summit. Within weeks, opposition to the Nordstream2 is...

  17. Good day everybody, I thought I'd save you all a little time here and if you wish you can focus the seemingly non stop national...

  18. The following was cut from REUTERS because it goes against the official narrative.  See this REUTERS ARCHIVE VERSION - https://archive.ph/7OlJU …Russia had been forced...

  19. The irony of the Mueller investigation that was demanded by Democrats because they thought it would show Trump colluded with Russia to win the...

  20. https://pjmedia.com/claudiarosett/glory-to-hong-kong/   Glory to Hong Kong: We of the Free World Must Stand with These Courageous Protesters   BY CLAUDIA ROSETT SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 CHAT 113 COMMENTS

  21. Spanish newspaper El Pais published an article comparing the logarithmic growth of the covid-19 cases around the world.   Bold curve = number of cases Thin curve...

  22. Im am confused and not an American, but try to follow the current circus act playing out in Washington. Is the general idea behind the current...

  23. According to an independent polling firm, 57% of Venezuelan say Maduro is their legitimate president, while US puppet Guaido only get 32% (11% didn't...

  24. Another excellent treatise on Current events that ties everything up neatly with a silver bow.  Quote At this point in the global hysteria — increasingly mixed with petty...

  25. World looks on in horror as Trump flails over pandemic despite claims US leads way The president’s outlandish behavior as Americans suffer has inspired horror...

  26. Watching the news in Malaysia this morning I saw where the rioters in the US were pulling down the statues of Confederate veterans, defacing...

  27. FACT1: In March this year Iraqi parliament, democratically elected parliament, voted for US military to leave Iraqi territory. FACT2: Various Iraqi political factions are actively...

  28. As always, EUphiles are free to disagree, no hard feelings. Bonus points if EUphiles were unaware that there was already a Trade War between U.S....

  29. Finally, some statistical analysis and charts of facts regarding death rates, listed by age and sex. This information generally aligns with what I have commented previously...

  30. https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/29/politics/coronavirus-deborah-birx-donald-trump-joe-biden/index.html Excerpt: (CNN)The hundreds of thousands of citizens whose deaths from Covid-19 could have been avoided are owed national and political accountability, but the polarization of...