1. Iran is threatening retaliation for an apparent Israeli air strike in Syria, and Trump's got his finger on the button (at least the Twitter...

  2. The price of crude oil has been on one hell of a roller coaster ride since right after October of 2018.  Time after time,...

  3. DT Note - then they get in their cars, live on their phones and laptops.....  LONDON (Reuters) - Thousands of climate-change protesters took to the...

  4. In what is likely to spoil the Democrats' week, President Trump - having already authorized the release of the "complete, unredacted" transcript of his...

  5. Are there any expected military or para-military uprisings from oil dependent countries desperate for relief from depressed oil prices worldwide? 

  6. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/11/21/greta-who-china-ramps-up-coal-fired-energy-production/ https://oilprice.com/Energy/Coal/Is-Chinas-Clean-Coal-A-Lie.html This information needs maximum exposure throughout the world. It is one of the reasons we should reduce our trade with China and other countries...

  7. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron demanded on Friday that Russia release Ukrainian sailors who were seized along with their ships...

  8. The China Virus panic being inflamed by the media and politicians is creating misery around the world.    Corrupt leaders are seizing ever more control,...

  9. Authored by Sylvain LaForest via Oriental Review #copyandpaste #DTisnotajournalist #theclueisinthename The timing is right for everyone to understand what Donald Trump is doing, and try to...

  10. The Trump administration on Monday moved to end asylum protections for most Central American migrants in a major escalation of the president’s battle to...

  11. .  

  12. .  

  13. In fresh show of naval force in the contested South China Sea, a U.S. guided missile destroyer conducted drills with a Japanese aircraft carrier,...

  14. In this time of national trauma and self-doubt, and noting the comments of @Ward Smith  in another thread of mine on fuel demand destruction,...

  15. My first and last post under this username. I used to post  a lot here a few years ago but gave it up as...

  16. Iraq's parliament held an extraordinary session on Sunday and voted to end the presence of foreign troops and to lodge an official complaint against...

  17. At some point, the 'China sets it's sights on dominating...' gets old. Of course they are. China's government wants to dominate everything. Good luck...

  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8YbBiq_2yo The Problems with Russia's Gasoline Crisis Run Deeper Than It Seems

  19. https://nationalinterest.org/feature/china-threatens-throw-america-mighty-sea-coronavirus-130877   China Threatens to Throw America 'Into the Mighty Sea of the Coronavirus.' Also see China Stories   https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wb2YoQGpSWTz32ljsiA_ey6FLVqc2Dpe7Fnpiqn9lBs/edit# 

  20. It's still the 99% pretty much dependent for their livelihood on the 1%. So, call it however you like but I think we're still...

  21.  https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-52762291 Time for a real trade war with China. RCW NPC: China moves to impose controversial Hong Kong security law  

  22. Released on September 11, 2020 – This 33 minute Corbett Report video is one that everyone should see.  Transcript and references in show notes.  

  23. As tensions remain high between Iran and the U.S., the Islamic Republic appears to have constructed a new mock-up of an aircraft carrier off...

  24. https://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/31472-un-ipcc-scientist-blows-whistle-on-un-climate-lies   Interesting read,  and good video in which he explains his points.

  25. Trump Bans Americans From Investing In Chinese PLA-Linked Firms With Executive Order  https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/trump-bans-americans-investing-chinese-pla-linked-firms-executive-order   Quote   President Trump is pushing his war on Chinese tech and military-linked firms straight through...

  26. Greta is once again telling (not asking) the Prime Minister of Canada to cancel the Trans Mountain and Keystone XL pipelines. Here she is, bashing...

  27. President Vladimir V. Putin warned that if the United States deploys new intermediate-range missiles in Europe after withdrawing from a nuclear treaty prohibiting these...

  28. U.S. President Donald Trump, in his toughest comments yet, said Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince bore ultimate responsibility for the operation that led to Jamal...

  29. Since end of last week Libya has been a little bit of a headache for oil markets as 2 of its ports have been...