1. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-42541515 Israel: African migrants told to leave or face imprisonment Israel has the most defended, most secure border in the world. The Africans claim to have...

  2. An interesting example how to deal with sudden outbreak in previously COVID-free City of Beijing. https://www.scmp.com/coronavirus/greater-china/article/3089964/coronavirus-beijing-reports-22-new-cases-23-million Coronavirus: Beijing doubles testing capacity as Pepsi plant closes due...

  3. https://www.chicagotribune.com/coronavirus/ct-nw-nyt-coronavirus-hydroxychloroquine-trump-nih-20200620-2jd6ehftkrhgnjbbddxlkwdwmu-story.html#rt=chartbeat-flt Another Trump's irresponsible charade flops, but I am sure his friends over at Bauer have already made a pretty penny. 

  4. Beijing saw a threat in New Delhi’s steady improvement of borderland infrastructure and renewed Indian claims on disputed territory.Tensions between Indian and Chinese troops...

  5. The reason is because over time it develops an entitled "us vs them" mentality.  You can see this reflected in police behavior in America. ...

  6. Innocent Bystander Killed by Police and National Guard in Louisville David McAtee was a business owner loved by community, friend of local cops Dave DeCamp Posted...

  7. MSM has anointed FAUCI as God.  He is the sole determinant of who, what and when the U.S. economy can open.   The recent increase in...

  8. The article on Oil Price seems a little too optimistic. North Dakota, the #2 oil producing State appears to be quickly giving up this title. ...

  9. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on Tuesday played down concern that the United States will rush to pull thousands of its troops out of Germany,...

  10. A Russian court on Monday sentenced an American security executive to 16 years in prison on spying charges, a verdict that drew an angry...

  11. In an effort to get the world’s economy back on a secure footing by resolving the US-China trade dispute, I think we should try...

  12. Beijing’s city government on Tuesday raised its COVID-19 emergency response level to II from III, according to state media. The Chinese capital has been...

  13. Perhaps to no great surprise, Lloyd Blankfein, the exemplar of personal piggery, self-aggrandizes himself and his outfit "Goldman," the whores of Wall Street, with...

  14. Organs of some who die after over a month in hospital sustain ‘complete disruption’, peers told Covid-19 can leave the lungs of people who died...

  15. This website appears slightly pro-Russia/Iran and Co but they have been very accurate with their information compared to our own 'media'. As long as you...

  16. The new Chinese prayer from the title of this thread is everywhere, like some God blessing which is so familiar for me. I read a...

  17. https://freebeacon.com/culture/review-strange-rites-by-tara-isabella-burton/ Can this book help us understand the various belief systems that are shaping our world today? RCW Review: ‘Strange Rites’ by Tara Isabella Burton  

  18. Is China Trying to Draw the United States into Imperial Overstretch? Opinion - May 13, 2020 By Vivian Ng     The global COVID-19 pandemic has brought severe economic...

  19. Hong Kong losing „special status” in relations with US is a thing of minor importance for the city’s economy. Only 7.7% of Hong Kong exports...

  20. photo is all over msm.  Trump standing, St John's Church for his prop, holding a Bible, UPSIDE DOWN. The symbolism here is stark. So is...

  21. to paraphrase Mark Twain... history may not repeat exactly, but it rhymes precisely.  Consider Révolution française... a la video...  https://www.history.com/topics/france/french-revolution  

  22. https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-military/2020/06/09/investigators-man-fatally-shot-on-night-of-protests-was-killed-by-kentucky-national-guard-rifle/ "David McAtee was killed May 31 while he was cooking at his eatery miles away from the downtown demonstrations. Louisville Metro Police and National...

  23. Greta is once again telling (not asking) the Prime Minister of Canada to cancel the Trans Mountain and Keystone XL pipelines. Here she is, bashing...

  24. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-down-side-of-politica_b_11311066 Is political correctness freedom of speech? Mao Tse Tung coined the term, that should say enough. He also said that political power comes out...