1. Instagram is now blurring out images of women at gun ranges, saying the photos violate “violence or dangerous organization guidelines.” FULL ARTICLE https://www.zerohedge.com/political/instagram-now-banning-photos-people-gun-ranges-claiming-they-promote-violence   Recall that many on...

  2. Recent threads and posts have discussed bailing out the shale oil industry during the present price war, or alternatively putting tariffs on foreign oil, which...

  3. .

  4. The comments by Brigadier General Hossein Salami, deputy head of the elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, followed an Israeli attack on Iranian targets in...

  5. U.S. Warns Iranian Oil Tankers May Be Courting 'Environmental Disaster' I'd throw in some water-borne diseases as well, if I were them.

  6. They Live Explainer:  Coronavirus for normies.   1 minute clip. Video:  https://twitter.com/i/status/1258739295172677632       Please follow the government rules at this time. You must stay home. Only be outside for food, for...

  7. Dear @Selva, At 41 pages, my thread on the election and electoral college votes was very popular and active. Yes, there were some comments from a...

  8. If nominated candidate does not support continuing "carried interest" no money from Wallstreet  for Dems. No money = No win. " Carried Interest" is the tax...

  9. So who here is gonna give credit to the incoming president for it? 

  10. It is fantastic to see common sense and science prevailing in the ongoing battle between State's power vs The Constitution and the law.  We...

  11. A new peer reviewed study by Danish academics has found that ethnic diversity has a negative impact on communities because it erodes trust.  It turns...

  12. Oil giant Saudi Arabia is seeking to block adoption of a key UN climate change report unless a passage highlighting the inadequacy of national...

  13. Each country plays what it thinks would be the most effective strategy in achieving its goals. Trade conflict moved into technology conflict.

  14. An interesting example how to deal with sudden outbreak in previously COVID-free City of Beijing. https://www.scmp.com/coronavirus/greater-china/article/3089964/coronavirus-beijing-reports-22-new-cases-23-million Coronavirus: Beijing doubles testing capacity as Pepsi plant closes due...

  15. I was watching the democratic debate on TV and was shocked to see candidates speaking in Spanish. I’m not racist I live in Brasil...

  16. IT may be happening. Again. Europe on the verge of a recession

  17. 1 minute video, absolutely brilliant summary.  Canada, take note, for your upcoming federal elections in October. I cannot embed the video, here is a link: "This was...

  18. Economist Dr. Pills Malmgren says,  “What underpins the World Order is the financial system… We are about to abandon the current system of money...

  19. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/24/opinion/trump-nyc-coronavirus.html So it’s essentially come to this: President Trump is treating each of our 50 states as individual contestants on “The Apprentice” — pitting them...

  20. “I am altering the deal, pray I don’t alter it any further.” -  Darth Vader, “The Empire Strikes Back” FULL ARTICLE - https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/coup-has-begun-empire-strikes-back-everywhere “Why this, why now?” Look at...

  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI5IaILWaXs&t=790s Dr. Martin confirms the covid was 1st developed/engineered in the USA. (I posted the patent # previously).  Did the CDC comply with the transfer...

  22. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/04/19/european-parliaments-own-prediction-sees-populist-surge-in-may-elections/ Populist, anti-mass migration, and Eurosceptic political parties have been predicted to make advances in the next European Parliament, according to an analysis of polling...

  23. This is a headline presently on Fox News: Trump urges Florida governor to allow coronavirus-stricken ship to dock Notice that the President cannot order the Govenor...

  24. The Saudi Arabian government cut diplomatic ties with Canada on Sunday after the North American country urged the kingdom to release recently arrested human...

  25. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/07/31/germany-refuses-military-cooperation-us-persian-gulf/   NATO ‘Ally’ Germany Won’t Back U.S. in Gulf to Avoid War with Iran 8,921  

  26. Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal offers 'economic security' for those 'unwilling to work' Um. I don't think even our fearless Communist parties did that. 

  27. France vows to lead Europe in defying US on Iran sanctions Cute. You had to wait for Iran to suggest a more international use of...

  28.  The European Union said on Thursday it could impose further sanctions on Venezuela if it believes democracy is being undermined there, after its president...

  29. According to a statement, Putin and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani discussed the missile attack that targeted a science lab and two chemical weapons depots...