1. The Crimean issue was one of a kind in contemporary geopolitics. Not only another colour revolution planned, funded and coordinated by Washington but the...

  2. U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, leaders of two nations with a long history of hostilities, opened their second summit...

  3. https://www.theepochtimes.com/beijing-unleashes-sweeping-bid-to-remold-society_4008852.html

  4. I hear sabre-rattling from Ankara. Anyone willing to make a guess where this piece of drama is heading?

  5. .

  6. The world's biggest cobalt producer is a very unstable place at the moment and the situation will likely continue deteriorating just as demand for...

  7. President Donald Trump will meet South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Tuesday as U.S. officials try to assess North Korea’s intentions after Pyongyang threatened...

  8. Look What I found Conservatives on an "NBC" affiliated Website.  Think!   https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/trump-s-withdrawal-iran-nuclear-deal-has-been-vindicated-ncna1003091

  9. LDS - Lockdown Derangement Syndrome An irrational insistence to lock down the world in order to kill 90% of economies and totally destroy independent countries,...

  10. European leaders have hashed out a deal on migration that should satisfy the Italian government's hardline approach and stave off a potential collapse of...

  11. This may be a heated question.  Which name do you prefer? Arabian Gulf or  Persian Gulf

  12. My first interview in russian on Iran nuclear deal. I dont know if we have russian speakers or russian native in the forum and...

  13. Find your country. A lot of problems come from people not allowed their voice to be heard. Apart from electoral system the second most important...

  14. President Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani’s “truth isn’t truth” statement was “not meant as a pontification on moral theology,” the former New York City...

  15. China's predatory lending to corrupt African countries may bear dividends soon. With all of the predatory loans that China has made to Venezuela's government, it...

  16. The Earth is about to get much cooler and so too is the Earth’s economy.  DISCLAIMER - DT IS NOT A JOURNALIST.  HE TRADES AND...

  17. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-08-12/birth-cultural-marxism-how-frankfurt-school-changed-america The gradual undermining of Western Culture has succeeded whereas outright attacks have failed. The need for a clear war of ideas has only recently...

  18. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said he hoped to reach an agreement on Tuesday with Russia and Turkey on the composition of a new...

  19. According to Reuters Agency, Russia told Japan on Monday that Moscow’s sovereignty over several disputed islands was not up for discussion and that disagreements between...

  20. A brief look at politicians, their stance on social distancing and racism. Interesting.  

  21. The Interior Department is replacing an Obama-era regulation aimed at restricting harmful methane emissions from oil and gas production on federal lands. A rule being...

  22. U.S. President Donald Trump’s top diplomat promised on Tuesday a new democratic world order in which Washington will strengthen or jettison international agreements as...

  23. The new acting director of the National Park Service is a former parks official who was reprimanded 12 years ago for pressuring employees to...

  24. Lebanon’s Hezbollah pledged to confront any threats to the country’s “oil and gas rights” after Israeli comments urging firms not to bid on a...

  25. Switzerland will sign an accord backing China’s Belt and Road Initiative when President Ueli Maurer visits China this month, cementing ties with a major...

  26. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2020/08/15/poland-united-states-sign-deal-relocate-troops-germany This is exactly what I would have recommended. RCW  We have planted our flag closer to the threat. U.S. and Poland Sign Deal to Relocate Troops...

  27. .

  28. Russian President Vladimir Putin blamed political ructions in the United States for difficulties in arranging a summit with President Donald Trump, in remarks broadcast...

  29. Quote A member of the Swedish Parliament on Friday nominated President Trump and the governments of Kosovo and Serbia for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize over economic cooperation...