1. He then shouted at the radio host  Charlemaign. "Come on man, I have a great record .I extended the the Voting Rights Act 25...

  2. People often talk about impeachment as if it were identical to removing the President from office. However, this is not the case. In order...

  3. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/02/09/delingpole-green-jobs-collapse-in-germany-and-go-to-china-instead-what-a-surprise/ Delingpole: Green Jobs Collapse in Germany and Go to China Instead. What a Surprise!y  Exactly what I have been saying all along. RCW  1,905

  4. King Albert II, who abdicated from the Belgian throne six years ago, is to be fined €5,000 ($5,600) for every day that he refuses...

  5. When President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un first met in Singapore last year, there was pomp, there was circumstance, but...


  7. This week the United Nations has been in the news as it held it’s 74th United Nations General Assembly Once again it was a circus where...

  8.       .

  9. Without any doubt, 2019 will be a crossroad for many Latin American countries. Let’s paraphrase Shakespeare and Hamlet: To be, or not to be?...

  10. WHERE IS EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW ? There are over 100,000 employees in the Justice Department .  Most of them are career Democratic Activist...

  11. Just three day after official visiting of French foreign minister to Iran, supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said how Tehran refused any dialog with...

  12. So, I see there are 24 presidential candidates from the Democratic party and all of them seem to advertise their climate change fight plans. Cheapest...

  13. Turkey’s opposition has dealt President Tayyip Erdogan a stinging blow by winning control of Istanbul in a re-run mayoral election, breaking his aura of...

  14. Russia told Turkey on Thursday it had no right to create a “safe zone” inside Syria unless it sought and received the consent of...

  15. https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2020/02/16/pinkerton-the-new-class-war-exposes-the-oligarchs-and-their-enablers/  How the middle class , worldwide, can fight for survival. Do you see yourself or your children in this fight?

  16. King’s campaign for nonviolent social change ended legal segregation in America and left a blueprint for generations to follow in the country’s ongoing struggle...

  17. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/12/virgil-weve-seen-this-movie-before-how-communist-china-is-following-nazi-germanys-playbook-against-america/   Virgil: We’ve Seen This Movie Before–How Communist China Is Following Nazi Germany’s Playbook Against America I contend that China is just as fascist as Germany....

  18. https://sana.sy/en/?p=125892 "Electricity Minister, Mohammad Zuheir Kharboutli discussed on Tuesday with Russian Deputy Energy Minister, Kirill Molodtsov means of implementing  agreements signed between Syria and Russia...

  19. LONDON (Reuters) - More than 300 scientists have endorsed a civil disobedience campaign aimed at forcing governments to take rapid action to tackle climate...

  20. http://www.saudiaramco.com/en/home/news-media/news/Bahri-Ship.html?utm_content=buffer13b1b&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer#.W1jrkRlhfRc.twitter

  21. South Korean President Moon Jae-in is preparing for a third summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un amid growing public skepticism about his...

  22. Interesting thread from LinkedIn  https://www.linkedin.com/posts/thesilentpartner_former-secret-service-cia-agent-issues-warning-activity-6619229553858535425-HRdS

  23. UAE backed LNA commanded by General Haftar managed to blow up a huge weapons depot of Turkish backed forces at the Misrata AIrbase  

  24. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/china-birth-rates-plunge-12272023160425.html The linked article points out that China's statistics agency (briefly) reported 7.88 million births in 2023. This is down from (presumably) 9.5 million births...

  25. @CapEconEmerging reckons that oil will stay at $60 at least until end of the year. I wonder how many share that position? Further, and moving...

  26. The latest non-news that everybody suspected but was never confirmed has just been confirmed. I wonder how this would sit with the rest of...

  27. Senators in the Philippines on Tuesday joined activists and child protection groups in condemning a lower house move to reduce the age of criminal...

  28. First link here. In a stunning turn of events, Surgeon General Jerome Adams explained in an interview on live XM radio, that the Coronavirus Task...

  29. South Korea has displayed the first full-size mock-up of the KF-X fighter jet it is developing with Indonesia, after officials said the program passed...

  30. South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in said on Monday there could be more impromptu talks and summits with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, as U.S....