1. Deutsche Bank's head office and other locations in Frankfurt were raided by 170 police officers and tax investigators on Thursday as part of a...

  2. The screen shot attached is from the CIA World Factbook, ranking countries by the deaths per 1000 people in the last year. Serbia has...

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYLCkuFgKfY Don’t Be Surprised by China’s Collapse. India, USA & Mexico's Plan To Checkmate China

  4. Hi Guys does Any one have a copy of Boos Allen Hamilton 2005 report about china. I tried to Find it couldn't. it's for...

  5. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/13/opinion/israel-uae.html?action=click&algo=top_conversion&block=trending_recirc&fellback=false&imp_id=781056170&impression_id=b8f31332-ddd2-11ea-b1bf-9b84add15a7d&index=2&pgtype=Article&region=footer&req_id=66618611&surface=most-popular A Geopolitical Earthquake Just Hit the Mideast The Israel-United Arab Emirates deal will be felt throughout the region. Not bad for the New York Times RCW    

  6. I must privatize NNPC even if they are going to kill me – Atiku Abubakar The main opposition candidate (according to local media) seems a...

  7. Watching with great interest how the on-again-off-again North Korea summit unfolds, or if it even takes place. While everyone's busy talking about whether this...

  8.   https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/03/opinion/joe-biden-tara-reade.html

  9. I'm going to take a leap of faith here and say Putin will never beat shale and once his economy takes a major tumble...

  10. There is no stability in Libya, so talking heads and oil traders worried about Libya undermining the OPEC deal can relax. This power struggle...

  11. Given how much bandwidth was consumed on OilPrice at the start of the 'S.M.O.', I'm interested in seeing if any Russian trolls (excuse me, correspondents) are...

  12. Love the way the local media is presenting what they call 'phase 2' of the Saudi smash and grab of the money and assets...

  13. U.S. President Donald Trump’s top diplomat promised on Tuesday a new democratic world order in which Washington will strengthen or jettison international agreements as...

  14. https://www.pressreader.com/uk/the-scottish-mail-on-sunday/20200308/281771336247005 Activist group Extinction Rebellion are considering a series of 'extreme protests' including a hunger strike that ends in death or public suicide.  

  15. https://tsarizm.com/opinion/2018/12/18/too-many-vested-interests-against-peace-with-russia/

  16. It is time to back the revolution in Venezuela. We cannot allow communism to take over South America.  https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/national-international/Venezuelas-Invigorated-Opposition-Take-Streets-in-Key-Test-504744652.html European Union Comments on Venezuela https://twitter.com/EUCouncilPress?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author'  On 23 January,...

  17. The UK has decided to let Huawei continue to be used in its growing 5G networks - but with restrictions.   Link to the article: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-51284393 But some...

  18. MONOPOLY – Who owns the world?  reveals what entities do own and control all the Big Corporations and Media conglomerates.  Think about this when...

  19. Iran is the only savior for china These days, the media has started to talk about a simple contract between China and Saudi Arabia. In...

  20. Damn straight. The COVID Lockdown Ends When ‘We The People’ Withdraw Our Consent The power of government comes from the people; or as we say in...

  21. That he wants his people to stand at attention for him the way the people of N. Korea stand at attention for Kim Jong...

  22.             .    

  23. If the numbers don’t force your agenda...force the number!  

  24. .

  25. .

  26. .

  27. "Colombia will be the first "global partner" of NATO in Latin America, beginning next week, President Santos announced Friday." Venezuela not happy. But what does...

  28. Is it alright to assassinate him? Be careful of how you answer.  It may boomerang.  

  29. / Moderator edit, here is direct link to the article: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/08/24/steven-mosher-china-loses-money-on-everything-but-exports-trumps-tariffs-will-break-them/ ====================   https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nkAnzn9R7NH0LqihEeeq4be4ckBgk70YkGKbHsrnbTU/edit Steven Mosher: China Loses Money on Everything But Exports, Trump’s Tariffs Will Break Them Steven Mosher...

  30. After reading the various posts yesterday, then thinking over all of the opinions presented, I wanted to post my views on the subject for consideration. First,...