Memorize date 05/15/2018 cause Huawei ban is the most important single event in world history after 9/11/2001.
There are moments in the world history that are symbolic for they are the sign of the profound changes in momentum the global affairs...- china
- united states
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- Marcin Replied
- 12 replies
Merkel - Trump: NATO Chief Plays Down Concern Over US Troop Plans In Germany
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on Tuesday played down concern that the United States will rush to pull thousands of its troops out of Germany,...- CarlHainze Replied
- 33 replies
Merkel Calls For solutions To Iran's 'Aggressive Tendencies'
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said European countries shared concerns over Iran’s ballistic missile programme and called for solutions to its “aggressive tendencies” in the...- rainman Replied
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Merkel Huawei Decision. Try to "split the baby"
Like King Solomen Angela Merkle tries to "cut the baby in half" The pressure is on. The U.S. and China are Germany's two largest markets. They...- BLA Replied
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Merkel, Putin to discuss Syria, Ukraine, Nord Stream 2
Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Vladimir Putin will discuss the war in Syria, the conflict in east Ukraine and a disputed pipeline to bring...- 50 shades of black Replied
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Merkel's Legacy...Germany's Rot
An American civilian and his family were the victims of a home invasion in Germany by at least 2 invaders. Thank God he fought...- germany
- united states
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- shadowkin Replied
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Mexican Villagers kidnap & beat their own Mexican Soldiers to protect FUEL THIEVES ?
https://www.breitbart.com/border/2019/01/15/villagers-kidnap-and-beat-soldiers-to-protect-fuel-thieves-in-central-mexico/ It is stories like this that cause me to believe that the Government of Mexico does not really exist. The Cartels run the country. The government...- Illurion Replied
- 3 replies
Mexico And The War Against Corruption?
Public outrage over corruption helped put Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador into office, but his campaign to clean up the country’s government hasn’t...- mexico
- lópez obrador
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- pinto Replied
- 4 replies
Mexico Demands Spain and the Vatican Apologize to Indigenous People for the Spanish Conquest
Mexico's president has demanded both Spain and the Vatican apologize to the indigenous people of Mexico for the Spanish conquest 500 years ago. It's unknown if...- shadowkin Replied
- 12 replies
Mexico's oil company is losing more than a billion dollars a year to cartels
Fuel theft is losing Mexico's state-run oil firm Pemex more than $1.6 billion a year! Fuel thieves, known as huachicoleros, drilled 2,274 illegal taps in...- CMOP Replied
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Michael Bloomberg Contributes $4.5 Million For Paris Climate Deal After Trump Bails
Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg will write a $4.5 million check to fund the United States’ annual commitment to the Paris climate deal...- Selva Replied
- 8 replies
Michigan Democratic Congresswomen Brenda Lawrence changes mind . . NOW AGAINST IMPEACHMENT . . Will Schiff be blamed for Democrat Election Slaughter ? YES !
More to follow . . . The "SQUAD" won't let Nancy go back on Impeachment. The SQUAD rules. Can't wait till Senate trial. . ....- Jabbar Replied
- 1 reply
Middle East Attack Jolts Oil-Import Dependent Asia
The blasts detonated far from the bustling megacities of Asia, but the attack this week on two tankers in the strategic Strait of Hormuz...- damirUSBiH Replied
- 13 replies
Middle East Mega War - Oil Price.com article
https://oilprice.com/Geopolitics/Middle-East/A-New-Middle-East-Mega-War-Is-Unfolding-Right-Before-Our-Eyes.html Kind of surprised no one on this forum has commented on this Oil Price.com article yet. If the author of this article is correct...- butasha Replied
- 0 replies
Middle East: How is the UAE Changing Its Geo-Political Game?
For anone interested in the geopolitical changes North Africa and the Middle East. ------------------------ Whereas the leaders of both Saudi Arabia and the UAE, popularly known...- El Nikko Replied
- 16 replies
Migrants: Italy Wants EU Border Agency In Africa, Not At Sea
Italy wants Europe’s border agency to stop migrants in transit countries before they board boats rather than working in the Mediterranean, Transport Minister Danilo...- franco Replied
- 8 replies
Migration From Eastern Europe Raises German Population To Record High
Germany’s population reached a record high of more than 83 million people last year, largely because migration, most of which came from eastern Europe,...- pinto Replied
- 10 replies
Mike Pompeo, CIA Chief, Met Secretly with NK Leader Kim Jong-un
A "good relationship" was formed at the meeting last week, President Trump tweeted today. News of the visit first emerged on Tuesday. US officials...- u.s.
- mike pompeo
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- damirUSBiH Replied
- 12 replies
Military Surrounding Venezuela with New Deployment
https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-09-03/us-military-surrounding-venezuela-new-deployment-guyana https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essequibo_River- ronwagn Replied
- 2 replies
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison video holds up ANTIFA handbook and says "This is who terrifies Trump". Ellison's son Minneapolis Councilman also supports Antifa .
https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2020/05/minnesota-attorney-general-says-antifa-handbook-should-strike-fear-in-donald-trumps-heart.html .- BLA Replied
- 0 replies
Misunderstanding between USA and Iran the cause of current stand off, I call BS
Now we are being told that the USA and Iran misread each other which lead to where we find ourselves today. The US sends...- James Regan Replied
- 9 replies
Mitch McConnell business ties to Chinese Government. Just like Pelosi's husband, Senator Feinstein's husband, Biden's son/brother , Kerry's Stepson , etc , etc
It's no longer Left vs Right. It's Insiders vs Outsiders. United States of America Land of the Greed , at the expense of the working folks. It...- tucker carlson
- fox news
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- Roch Replied
- 1 reply
Moderna Vaccine vs Pfizer "Vaccine" . Is Moderna much better ?
* * NOTE UPDATE: (1) The Moderna Vaccine DOES provide immunity and (2) as indicated from all available information Pfizer lessens viral symptoms and protects...- news max
- greg kelly
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- Roch Replied
- 29 replies
Modi Hits at China's Expansionism
https://www.theepochtimes.com/modi-hits-at-chinas-expansionism-in-speech-on-indias-independence-day_3464380.html Modi Hits at China’s ‘Expansionism’ in India Independence Day Speech China makes enemies as it pursues hegemony. RCW- ronwagn Replied
- 34 replies
Mohammad bin-Salman freaks out - again!
For those of you not paying attention to the latest from the authoritarians running Saudi Arabia, herewith the tale: It turns out that Mohammad bin-Salman,...- canada
- human rights
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- Jan van Eck Replied
- 9 replies
Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Times of Large Debt:
https://www.chicagofed.org/publications/working-papers/2020/2020-13 The authors assert clearly the monetary and fiscal policies of the US are not working. Their solution is to inflate away the debt. If...- frankfurter Replied
- 73 replies
MONOPOLY – Who owns the world?
MONOPOLY – Who owns the world? reveals what entities do own and control all the Big Corporations and Media conglomerates. Think about this when...- Tom Nolan Replied
- 3 replies
More dumbed down? re Hong Kong Act of Congress
An act of Congress becomes the law of the land when passed. Giving political support to Hong Kong is one thing. Making that political...- frankfurter Replied
- 58 replies
More Evidence Hydroxychloroquine Is Ineffective, Harmful in COVID-19
https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/931061 Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, with or without azithromycin or clarithromycin, offer no benefit in treating patients with COVID-10 and, instead, are associated with ventricular arrhythmias and higher rates of...- Yoshiro Kamamura Replied
- 1 reply
More problems loom for Canadian steel, aluminum as Trump Administration threatens new tariffs
More headaches for the Trudeau administrati8on and the provinces of Quebec, Ontario, and British Columbia, as the Trump Administration reacrts to petitions by two...- Jan van Eck Replied
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