1. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/05/27/the-russian-economy-is-stagnating-a65760   The Russian Economy Is Stagnating GDP growth since the start of the year has been well below forecasts. The economy of Russia is now only equal...

  2. The blasts detonated far from the bustling megacities of Asia, but the attack this week on two tankers in the strategic Strait of Hormuz...

  3. The full extradition hearing to decide whether Wikileaks founder Julian Assange should be sent to the United States to face accusations including spying charges...

  4. https://money.usnews.com/investing/news/articles/2019-06-07/europe-saved-8-billion-on-gas-bill-in-2018-due-to-lng-reforms-iea Europe Saved $8 Billion on Gas Bill in 2018 Due to LNG, Reforms: IEA   June 7, 2019, at 3:08 a.m. More Europe Saved $8 Billion on Gas...

  5. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/14353/europe-will-not-be-europe "Europe Will Not Be Europe" by Guy Millière

  6. Iran’s foreign minister has again threatened the United States over what he describes as an “economic war” launched by Washington against Tehran. Mohammad Javad...

  7. Readers will recall the huge mess started when the Canadian Mounted Police detained Meng Wanzhou pursuant to an arrest and extradition warrant request issued...

  8. @CapEconEmerging reckons that oil will stay at $60 at least until end of the year. I wonder how many share that position? Further, and moving...

  9. Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on Thursday that U.S. military intervention in Venezuela would be a disaster and said even Washington’s allies did not...

  10. North Korea warned the United States that agreements made between the two countries’ leaders in Singapore last year could be at risk, blaming the...

  11. So, I see there are 24 presidential candidates from the Democratic party and all of them seem to advertise their climate change fight plans. Cheapest...

  12. Labor anger over Green New Deal greets 2020 contenders in California   https://www.politico.com/states/california/story/2019/06/01/labor-anger-over-green-new-deal-greets-2020-contenders-in-california-1027570?fbclid=IwAR0eOZYJwfO73DZAJtBbYUb3vi287wtNFxVi58YXgaCO9SK-0DT2WchPge0

  13. More than 40,000 people have been intercepted in the Mediterranean and taken to detention camps and torture houses under a European migration policy that...

  14. Chinese defense minister says Tiananmen crackdown was justified Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe said on Sunday that the bloody crackdown on protesters around Beijing's Tiananmen...

  15. Dutch far-right politician and anti-Islam campaigner Geert Wilders said on Friday that Twitter had temporarily blocked his account following remarks he made about a...

  16. Baghdad’s Green Zone has been a barometer for tension and conflict in Iraq for nearly two decades. The 4-square mile (10-square kilometer) heavily guarded...

  17. The Kremlin said on Friday that it was Turkey’s responsibility to stop militants in Syria’s Idlib province from firing on civilian and Russian targets....

  18. This may be a heated question.  Which name do you prefer? Arabian Gulf or  Persian Gulf

  19.   https://worldnewsdailyreport.com/edward-snowden-global-warming-is-an-invention-of-the-cia/?fbclid=IwAR0f3ByJoRln9-zG-rVluBXZBVn02Zg91ChHb5-jv93LvSreMcJxaKrwzCI EDWARD SNOWDEN: “GLOBAL WARMING IS AN INVENTION OF THE CIA” Global Warming AKA Climate Change https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B7YYeQTmESPhjlS_dj4zMTxWOiJhmLjxN1I_1NJcJFY/edit    

  20. U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton said on Wednesday that naval mines “almost certainly from Iran” were used to attack oil tankers off the...

  21. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-denmark-election-welfare-insight/danes-make-welfare-a-hot-election-issue-as-cracks-show-in-nordic-model-idUSKCN1SZ0IC It should be clear that no economic system could go on forever without changes but that's theoretical. @Rasmus Jorgensen, what is your take on...

  22. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/05/28/britains-conservatives-are-committing-green-suicide/ https://policy.greenparty.org.uk/   What We Stand For Our Core Values Philosophical Basis Record of Policy Statements JOIN THE GREEN PARTY Long Term Goals Animal Rights Climate Change Countryside Crime and Justice Culture, Media and Sports Disability Drug Use Economy Education Energy Europe Food and...

  23. Iran’s influential Revolutionary Guard said Tuesday it doesn’t fear a possible war with the United States and claimed that America hasn’t grown in power...

  24. The new European elections are changing the look of the future for Europeans.  https://www.breitbart.com/europe/ https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/05/26/le-pen-triumphs-over-macron-in-eu-election-exit-poll/ ttps://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/05/26/eu-elections-exit-polls-point-to-le-pen-win-over-macron-populist-surge-in-sweden-poland/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-48264638 https://apnews.com/d09a7028c0f04c60bd604b4bd8056a0f https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/05/24/eurocrat-attacks-stupid-nationalists-love-their-own-countries/

  25. https://www.daily-times.com/story/money/industries/oil-gas/2019/05/24/analysis-oil-market-glut-lead-declining-prices-through-2020/3760213002/ Use link for complete article "With the OPEC-Russia meeting ahead, the price of oil is at a crossroad.  President Trump wants lower prices for gasoline at...

  26. A complete and serious analysis of India today: India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi described his first term as “filling in potholes” — shorthand for addressing...

  27. In short, a new message, the same distance. But this time, KJU sent a message that means just one: end of the nuclear talks....

  28. https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-china-rareearth-ahome/column-rare-earths-trade-gun-is-loaded-will-china-pull-the-trigger-idUKKCN1ST1M2 The importance of raw materials.

  29. To quote one of my all-time favourite movie lines, "AND THEN?" Serious question, how is this going to help anything? Another serious question, when did...

  30. $4 trillion climate plan that aims to tax carbon, return funds to American people   Democratic presidential candidate John Delaney became the latest 2020 candidate to...