1. https://www.platts.com/latest-news/oil/caracas-venezuela/feature-venezuela-girds-for-further-deterioration-10400558

  2. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Iran-Moves-Closer-To-Achieving-Gasoline-Independence.html Iran able to perform refinery maintenance now and is moving to decrease gasoline imports--a huge deal for them. Where do they import it from...

  3. The European nations have signed on to a program wherein they "decarbonize," so the Bulgarians are planning yet another huge nuke plant, to come...

  4. To merge a few threads and to take off on a tangent, I would like to ask the question: How effective and timely would the...

  5. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/12/kuwait-has-more-on-line-with-rising-oil-prices-than-saudi-arabia.html

  6. Saudis will be keeping a very wary eye on protests in Bahrain to mark the 7th anniversary of the uprising (Arab Spring). While Bahrain...

  7. So now that Russia has total control of Syrian oil, what can we expect? There's not a significant amount of onshore here. I think...

  8. Many times political and geopolitical risks premiums have been overlooked by the investors, CEO's and the different players and actors in the global energy...

  9. Which Countries Trust Their Government, and Which Ones Don’t? In many countries around the world, vast portions of the population do not trust their own...

  10. A series of mysterious attacks against the main Russian military base in Syria, including one conducted by a swarm of armed miniature drones, has...

  11. Anyone remember Woody Allen's saying about taking a "Flying f**k at a rolling donut"?

  12. PETROCARIBE, a mechanism created during Chavez's heydays and which seemed to be a geopolitical tool leveraging on the use of oil to the Caribbean...

  13. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/05/06/un-humans-could-cause-extinction-of-1-million-species-globalism-will-fix/  Globalism Topic https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k8kNhtZJLuN66TpDuo67WBV1U2JhhZIvAefxeMNK0ls/edit#   UN: Humans Could Cause Extinction of 1 Million Species, Globalism Will Fix

  14. Not looking good. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-45084144

  15. https://www.fsmb.org/advocacy/news-releases/fsmb-spreading-covid-19-vaccine-misinformation-may-put-medical-license-at-risk/ “Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of...

  16. There is no stability in Libya, so talking heads and oil traders worried about Libya undermining the OPEC deal can relax. This power struggle...

  17. Interesting piece for those who said they wanted to learn more about this part of Europe. The neighbour-hating part is true. We're each and everyone...

  18. https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/russia-ukraine-latest-news-2022-05-17   3 hours ago Yellen Says Ukraine Conflict Shows Why West Should End Reliance on China and Russia By Andrew Duehren   What I have been saying for years now....

  19. The usual, usual lies - masks do not work, HCQ does, but now it gets bizarre - allegedly a female "expert" quoted by Trump...

  20. https://www.ft.com/content/71849166-e02d-11e9-b112-9624ec9edc59 Preferably in simple language.  Credit to Zerohedge to pique my interest in this topic.   As I see it: banks don't want to do repo.  So...

  21. In a hit to the Trump administration, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled Monday that cases litigating the Clean Water Act should be heard by federal district...

  22. Deutsche Bank's head office and other locations in Frankfurt were raided by 170 police officers and tax investigators on Thursday as part of a...

  23. Discuss. With factual backing of arguments, wherever possible.

  24. For the Trump haters. You're welcome. The moral seems to be ''if something's hard, don't bother.'' (like every other President I guess?) One day after Trump...

  25. Sometimes, if you open up a big enough gate and stand in the void, the gate will swing back and slap you on the...

  26. So, the man is either clinically insane, which would explain this anti-rational move, or he is working for Israel, which would provide a rational...

  27. This week's top global oil and gas news intersected with political risks worldwide: 1.) President Donald Trump announced U.S. decission to reimpose sanctions on...

  28. Iranian media say that the country's crude exports have managed to hit a new record even as Washington withdrew from nuke deal and promised...

  29. ...which everyone expected. The question is if it may be the first domino to fall and drag others after it. Here.