The End of Merkel Era: The Expected Defeat In Elections
Angela Merkel is to stand down as leader of the Christian Democratic Union, a post she has held for 18 years, after a dismal...- damirUSBiH Replied
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The End of U.S. Democracy Experiment. No difference between U.S. and Russian Government. Democrat Party Power Grab.
https://video.foxnews.com/v/6099854410001/#sp=show-clips Democratic Party tears U.S. apart. Democrats power grab destroying U.S. Institutions and Justice Systems. All but two Democrats in Congress House voted for this scam. Power...- Jabbar Replied
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The EU Countries Recognize Venezuelan Opposition Leader Juan Guaido As Nation's Interim President
The UK, France, Germany, Spain and other European countries have officially recognised opposition leader Juan Guaidó as interim president of Venezuela. It comes after President...- 50 shades of black Replied
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The EU Loses The Principles On Which It Was Built
Saudi Arabia’s reaction when Canada’s foreign minister, Chrystia Freeland, called in a tweet for the release of Samar Badawi, a leading Saudi women’s rights...- eu
- saudi arabia
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- franco Replied
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The EU Sets New Leaders:Italian Socialist Sassoli Elected EU Parliament Speaker
The European Parliament elected Italian socialist lawmaker David Sassoli on Wednesday as its speaker for the next 2-1/2 years, completing the round of appointments...- Pavel Replied
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The Fascist Dictatorship called Russia under Dictator for Life Putin
https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/01/25/as-markets-crash-and-war-fears-grow-russias-business-elite-suffers-in-silence-a76142 As Markets Crash and War Fears Grow, Russia’s Business Elite Suffers in Silence Some of the country’s most successful executives are preparing for heavy losses,...- ronwagn Replied
- 561 replies
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended, 15 U.S.C. §§ 78dd-1, et seq. ("FCPA")
Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz of Rosemont Seneca LLC *. Ukraine *. China *. Federal TALF $130,000,000 2009 loan with profits diverted to Cayman tax haven. Thats $130...- BLA Replied
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The Founders Of The USA Warned You About Central Banking
The Federal Reserve just lowered interest rates for the second time this year and announced more quantitative easing by injecting even more US dollars into the market. The... -
The fraying of Russia's power vertical
Despite the American media's presentation of Russia as Putin's playground, the new reality facing the President of the RF is that the power vertical...- Olga Tkachuk Replied
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The Further Tariff Increase on Chinese Goods.
I am interested in have you guys and gals view the latest application of tariffs on Chinese goods destined for the US. Is it 'bullying'...- Douglas Buckland Replied
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The G7 Meeting Debacle: Cirque de Non-Soleil
This pic has gone viral. It should be here as well. Also, the media coverage is simply brilliant: "When the world leaders convened around a bonfire...- Marina Schwarz Replied
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The Global Competitiveness Index 4.0 2019 Rankings
Report by World Economic Forum could be downloaded at this site: https://www.weforum.org/reports/how-to-end-a-decade-of-lost-productivity-growth It is one of the best rankings of comperehensive total country strength and competitiveness. It...- Marcin Replied
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The Global Pastime Of Kicking The Can Down The Road
Nowhere is the trend of kicking the can down the road more prevalent than in government. Consider this a tribute to politicians and governments...- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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The Global Water Crisis: South Africa, Brazil, and now India’s Taps Running Dry?
Towards the end of May, one of India’s most popular summer retreats nearly ran out of water.Shimla, a historic hill town in the northern...- india
- south africa
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- Petar Replied
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The Good, The Bad & The Ugly! and All for a Fist Full of Dollars?
'You’ve been warned': Florida sheriff says he may deputize gun owners against protesters https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/07/01/florida-sheriff-says-he-may-deputize-gun-owners-against-protesters/5357157002/ Rome had slave soldiers fighting for the Empire and a Dinarius or two. The Good,...- M_Ali Replied
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The Grey Lady has fallen (further into irrelevancy)
Bari Weiss wrote a scathing resignation letter to her former employer. No one with an IQ over room temperature reading it will miss the...- Ward Smith Replied
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The Headscarf Debate Is Not About Headscarves
France's Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, has reopened the heated debate on the headscarf. Since 2004, it is unlawful in France to wear "conspicuously" religious signs... -
The impact of oil and gas prices on the Russian budget over the past few years
Budget revenues compare revenues: oil&gas vs non-oil&gas Oil money is unpredictable but here we can very clear trend growth in non-oil&gas revenues diversification Non-oil&gas was x1.5 oil&gas...- Tomasz Replied
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- BradleyPNW Replied
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The interesting case of Pakistan
Pakistan has caught my attention in the last weeks and months due to its political instability, geopolitical risks for the region, the changing nature...- jose chalhoub Replied
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The Key Players In Libya's "Potential" Civil War
Excellent scanning of Libya's geopolitical-criminal-military scene... After this analysis it’s pretty clear why Libya is where it is: nowhere. HIFTER’S ARMY The self-styled Libyan National Army,...- ThunderBlade Replied
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The latest GOP nonsense on Texas shows us the future Republicans want
WaPo OpEd: The latest GOP nonsense on Texas shows us the future Republicans* want *Some Republicans anyway, in the Delusional Trump wing of the GOP (see my...- Jeffrey Brown Replied
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The Latest: Iranian FM Says US Cannot Expect To ‘Stay Safe’
Iran’s foreign minister has again threatened the United States over what he describes as an “economic war” launched by Washington against Tehran. Mohammad Javad...- rainman Replied
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The Lead-Up to a New Saudi King
Vision 2030, the Aramco IPO, the purge of business elite ... things are happening fast right now in Saudi Arabia because rumor has it...- saudi arabia
- geopolitics
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- Kate Turlington Replied
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The Left Seems To Be Opting For Civil War
(Authored by James Howard Kunstler via Kunstler.com), A lot of readers (some of them former readers now) have been angrily twanging me by email for writing about... -
The Leslie Stahl/60 Minutes Interview with President Trump
That is not what I would expect out of either 60 Minutes or Leslie Stahl. She lowered herself to nothing more than a screaming...- Dan Warnick Replied
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The Media Intentionally Mislead Americans on Trump’s Huawei Position
I am aghast at the deliberate f*ckery of most of American Mainstream Media. Yesterday's achievments in Trump disabling the North Korea nuclear threat and enabling an outbreak...- Tom Kirkman Replied
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The Mike Pence vs Kamala Harris Vice Presidential Debate
A clear victory of truth for the Trump/Pence campaign.- Dan Warnick Replied
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The Most Annoying Person You Have Encountered During Lockdown
Okay, now for a bit of levity during these trying times! Give a brief scenario or description of the most annoying person you have met...- Douglas Buckland Replied
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The most stupid things China can do. Media Choice.
I was reviewing "good ideas" for China found in media last week. Chosen 3 most stupid ones. 1. Create and enforce own list of "unreliable"...- Marcin Replied
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