1. The article is here by Dr. Daniel Fine-> https://www.daily-times.com/story/money/business/2018/04/29/fine-oil-speculation-and-natural-gas-lng-new-england-and-russia/525510002/ American oil production is poised to reach upward to 11 million barrels of oil per day if...

  2. Quote On September 27, 2018, Yale's Program in Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, and the Poynter Fellowship for Journalism hosted Vladimir Pozner, the acclaimed...

  3. Professor Ehud Qimron, head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University and one of the leading Israeli immunologists, has written...

  4. President Donald Trump made a personal phone call to Conrad Black, whom I think is now in Toronto  (and has avoided coming into the...

  5. Let me inform you what is happening in the Ukraine. On March 16, a 33 year old woman from Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine died from COVID-19 complications, nine...

  6. This is a prelude to civil war as any I have read and heard.  Proof 'murcans enemies are within.   

  7. There are shockingly close similarities between the Green New Deal of U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) that intends to get America off deep earth...

  8. https://www.wsj.com/articles/congress-sells-and-the-market-falls-11584918934 Behind a paywall, but the first paragraph and title says it all.   Also, this is the Wall Street Journal.  

  9. As an anecdote here, i did my masters research on how gazprom was expanding in eurasia controlled by the kremlin based on a cold...

  10. (The Independent)  -  Donald Trump said he fired John Bolton, writing in a tweet he “disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions” and adding he...

  11. One day they're Beijing's darling, ready to buy into Rosneft, now the CEO is missing, the company is in ruins and the Rosneft deal...

  12. If true, this has enormous geopolitical implications, especially with regards to Iran / Saudi rivalry.  And OPEC. Top Saudi Diplomat to Israeli Paper: ‘Age of...

  13. For want of an aardvark.... (The butterfly of doom effect). https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ButterflyOfDoom https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ForWantOfANail

  14. Bell's Palsy is a condition whereby those stricken can not control the muscles on one side of their face.  It's treatable but may recur.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell's_palsy...

  15. This may become a major political issue. Brasil plans on doubling output by 2024  

  16. Are we moving from smart to vulnerable? Just now: YES. Since january 23th, 2020, the lockdown city scenario is a hardly known, but now realistic...

  17. Just to annoy the water carriers for CCP shills and spammers.  Because I simply adore having to clean up daily Mandarin spam attacks that try to choke...

  18. All settled between the U.S. and the EU after Trump-Juncker meeting (no word of Juncker's sciatica this time), so as the SCMP reports, Trump...

  19. With the current interesting issue going on regarding Sarawak region asserting its position in Malaysia and requesting more oil revenues, also considering the past...

  20. .       .

  21. The World's Least-Free Countries Reveal Just How Much "Socialism Sucks" [Socialism Sucks: Two Economists Drink Their Way Through the Unfree World.  By Robert Lawson and...

  22. Tom Nolan Here:  Again, I want to make it clear that I intentionally don’t vote, because the entire system is broken.  I am neither...

  23. Welcome to New World Next Week - the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments...

  24. The European Union is currently implementing regulations ostensibly designed to protect the populace under the guise of “Consumer Protection Laws”.   A Digital ID will...

  25. Does the launch of the petro-yuan represent the ultimate deathblow to the petrodollar – and the birth of a completely new set of rules? https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-Petrodollar-Isnt-Dead-Yet.html

  26. Defying President Trump, senators sent a strong signal Wednesday they want to punish Saudi Arabia for its role in the slaying of journalist Jamal...

  27. Is there a person on this planet that could have done all these  in such a short time?  in the USA.  Let the discussions begin? ...

  28. China has slammed Taiwan for "stepping up efforts to steal intelligence with the aim of “infiltration” and “sabotage”, and warned the island against further...