1. https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/opinion/article/3046429/indonesia-stands-china-natuna-islands-can-japan-come-rescue Indonesia and Japan are arguing with China about their outlandish hegenomy  in the South Pacific. Vietnam, Taiwan, The Philippines and others are also players....

  2. I don't know about you, but the trial is fascinating!  While the outcome is more-or-less predetermined, it is fantastic that the entire world has...

  3. We all know that we need to listen to the Doctors, not the Billionaires, not Big Tech and sure as heck not the politicians. ...

  4. Donald Tusk and the Remainers seek a Jan 31 extension. France wants a shorter extension. Jan 31 is counterproductive. In the misguided belief that extension after extension...

  5. Senior Iranian figures said on Wednesday that Syria was a top foreign policy priority and American troops should withdraw, as planned by U.S. President...

  6. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Wednesday, without providing evidence, that U.S. national security adviser John Bolton was leading a plan to invade the...

  7. By the latest information Turkey plans direct military action against territory held by Kurdish militia, potentially opening a new front in Syria’s civil war....

  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHh68xx-dZI   How Putin is using the same playbook in Ukraine as in Chechnya | Mapped Out DW News    

  9. WaPo OpEd:  The latest GOP nonsense on Texas shows us the future Republicans* want *Some Republicans anyway, in the Delusional Trump wing of the GOP (see my...

  10. A Russian court on Monday sentenced an American security executive to 16 years in prison on spying charges, a verdict that drew an angry...

  11. There has been much recent hype around the issue of Iran, but an all-out war remains unlikely. Militarily, Iran would be hard to dominate....

  12. Curious to see what others would think it Russia decided to take out the oilfields of Saudia Arabia and Kuwait. They are not members of...

  13. Editorial in The New England Journal of Medicine.  Lead author is Andrew Fauci.  Article posted in full for those who refuse to click the...

  14. The Competitive Enterprise Institute has published a new paper, "Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions." Keep in mind that many of the grossly...

  15. Iran said Monday it has arrested 17 Iranian nationals allegedly recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency to spy on the country’s nuclear and military...

  16. The Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) is roughly defined (per Wikipedia) as "... a global development strategy adopted by the Chinese government involving infrastructure...

  17. https://edition.cnn.com/2019/10/16/politics/harry-dunn-family-white-house-meeting-trump-intl-gbr/index.html  thougths? I understand the reason for diplomatic immunity, but it does not really seem applicable here? 

  18. Kanye West says he is no longer a Trump supporter. The rapper, who once praised President Donald Trump and said the two share “dragon...

  19. Lately I was approached with this opinion: US is a Republic, it is not a Democracy And the article was linked: The United States is not a...

  20. Just after on Friday Pentagon leaders presented Trump with numerous "military options" for a response to Iran following last week's twin attacks on Saudi...

  21. Praise your illegal chief of failure. This shit is totally illegal.    

  22. Why doesn't the USA just pull all of its troops out of the middle east?

  23. Military junta: Why, given how popular we are, we couldn't possibly have lost the election.  Guess it must have been fraud.   Etc. etc. So, what's your...

  24. Trump Kicks COVID Bill Back To Congress; Demands $2,000 Stimulus, Shreds Lawmakers Over Mountain Of Pork by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Dec 22, 2020 - 19:46 VIDEO EMBEDDED...

  25. Which countries pay the most to the UN?  The UN is funded in two ways—through mandatory payments and voluntary contributions. Each of the organization’s 193 members...

  26. https://www.state.gov/prc-national-peoples-congress-proposal-on-hong-kong-national-security-legislation/ "No reasonable person can assert today that Hong Kong maintains a high degree of autonomy from China..." The art of propaganda is to mix lies...

  27. Immigrants play an increasingly pivotal role in the U.S. economy. They are overrepresented in our labor force, relative to their share of the population,...

  28. The three leaders will discuss measures to consolidate the truce regime in Syria, ensure the operation of de-escalation zones and address the humanitarian problems...

  29. new normal gleichschaltung or the storming of the reichstag building-on-29-august-2020/ Quote On March 21, 1933, the Nazi-controlled Reichstag passed a law making it a crime to speak...

  30. Is Saudi Arabia in cash difficulties?  Could be.  The Kingdom has a huge contract for what is known in military-speak as "light armored vehicles,"...