1. Two heavy oil producers from Alberta, one of them Cenovus, are calling for a cut in production. Canadian crude is apparently trading at $15...

  2. As expected, as oil prices soar, and the oil price bulls stampede with joyful abandon, the IEA dumps its cold water harbinger of the coming...

  3. When I look at the charts,  I filter out the noise, (greed, fear and uncertainty), this is hard to do, but someone has to...

  4. Hello All! While the forum has so many intelligent and experienced contributors; I had this idea of why not organize the thoughts and comments and...

  5. I want to share here a recent contribution of mine for a think tank in India, COVINT PRISM, on the recent saudi research by...

  6. U.S. shale development is on track for huge growth in coming decades and is set to allow the U.S. to leapfrog the world’s other...

  7. US put a lot of pressure on KSA and OPEC to lower oil price in teh weeks prior to US mid-term election. Partly so...

  8. Well, they do it for milk (weren't we just talking about that on another forum? ""One of the large Canadian oil producers, Cenovus Energy, is...

  9. Is anyone aware of what happened with USA coal over the years? I clicked on many a google hit but I never did find...

  10. European oil majors are leading with around 70 percent of the sector’s renewable capacity and nearly all the capacity under development today https://www.reuters.com/article/us-oil-renewables/big-oil-spent-1-percent-on-green-energy-in-2018-idUSKCN1NH004?il=0

  11. Net oil importer Indonesia could reactivate its OPEC membership if it can successfully raise its crude oil production and reduce consumption by boosting the...

  12. US - update through July 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions...

  13. Hydrogen sulfide kills. Here's a watch that warns you if it's around. Swiss watch company North Eagles has set that same basic sensor inside an otherwise normal-looking...

  14. Rigs +14 today, mostly oil. DUC wells to be reported on in a few days. August to September saw an increase of 192 DUCs to...

  15. I have always wondered if the push for electrical vehicle (EVs) or the hybrid of them, will result in the reduction in the world...

  16. According to Goldman Sachs analysis, a shortage of oil is coming during the next decade because firms can't fully invest in future production. Prices...

  17. Saudi Arabia considers disbanding oil production cartel OPEC amid growing pressure following Trump criticisms and Jamal Khashoggi murder And that's just a day after I...

  18. Some meaty reading to sink your teeth into. Yes, I think all of these topics in the title to this thread are related.  As well...

  19. A hit happened in the North Sea (pun intended) How large of impact to EU oil will this be?  https://www.news.ro/externe/opt-raniti-in-fiordul-norvegian-hjeltefjord-in-urma-unei-coliziuni-intre-petrolierul-maltez-sola-ts-si-fregata-norvegiana-knm-helge-ingstad-care-se-intorcea-de-la-exercitiul-nato-trident-juncture-1922400508002018111518653529 https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/365000-Bpd-Shut-In-After-Tanker-Collides-With-Norwegian-Warship.html  Interesting to see how much of...

  20. Iraq’s Oil Minister Thamer Ghadhban said on Tuesday that the shortfall in oil supply caused by new U.S. sanctions on Iran had yet to...

  21. Biting my nails here on midterm day!  Watching: Colorado ballot initiative 97 California ballot proposition 6 Washington State Carbon tax Initiative 1631 North Dakota Senator Heitkamp v Cramer Florida Senator...

  22. This week a proposal by a constituent at the National Constituent Assembly created a polemic in the public opinion in Venezuela: create a National...

  23. Saudi Arabia said on Tuesday it would continue to meet customer demand for crude despite looming U.S. sanctions that are expected to reduce oil...

  24. Eagle Ford - update through July 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions...

  25. https://www.bourseandbazaar.com/news-1/2018/11/3/iran-tankers-go-dark-to-keep-selling-oil Finally some relatively solid data. No wonder Iranian media today are openly defiant.

  26. Iran will sell its oil and break sanctions reimposed by the United States on its vital energy and banking sectors, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani...

  27. I heard just a hint that Trump may require China to halt crude oil purchases from Iran and began buying US crude as part...

  28. Not just any wave, a TIDAL one! Oil at $20 is around the corner.

  29. Some insight as to what global planners may be looking at and acting on.  I submit without opinion. Will new energy technologies power or impede...

  30. Heck why not, let's just crank up the global political pressure cooker to see what explodes first... November looks set to be the exact...