1. True Confessions of a Billionaire:  https://www.counterpunch.org/2019/11/20/neoliberalism-backfires/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th3KE_H27bs

  2. https://www.msn.com/en-us/finance/markets/us-says-oil-tariffs-still-on-the-table-even-after-opec-2b-deal/ar-BB12Gz4I U.S. imported 5.68 mm bbls/day of crude for week ending 4/10.  Over half of that from Canada.  I think Trump just giving Tariffs lip service....

  3. One of my normal daily news searches is for "Trump Oil" as well as just for "oil". The amount of negative bias in news articles found with the...

  4. Trump  again slammed OPEC — tweeting that prices keep rising even as the US spends billions to safeguard oil-producing Mideast countries. “We protect the countries...

  5. https://www.theepochtimes.com/trump-administration-approves-plan-to-drill-for-oil-and-gas-in-arctic-national-wildlife-refuge_3464340.html Trump Administration OKs Oil, Gas Drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

  6. From NPR, the taxpayer - funded Trump hating news site.  Note the viewpoint presented that Democrat - controlled states are generally the good guys and...

  7. The Trump administration lifted restrictions on the sale of higher ethanol blends of gasoline, keeping a campaign promise to farmers suffering from the trade...

  8. US will prohibit purchases of debts owed to the government and PDVSA in an attempt to keep Maduro from liquidating assets. https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Programs/Documents/venezuela_eo_20180521.pdf

  9. Quote Just spoke to my friend MBS (Crown Prince) of Saudi Arabia, who spoke with President Putin of Russia, & I expect & hope that...

  10. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-oil-opec-usa-exclusive/exclusive-trump-requested-saudi-oil-support-before-iran-nuclear-decision-sources-idUKKCN1J320P "Sources" they say  Bob, from accounting, maybe?

  11. We do not need their oil.  Focus on economic war China has waged on U.S. The US Must wakeup to the threat that China presents....

  12. It wasn't Fauci's idea.  His partisan Hillary worship comes out in the end.  He sent Hillary a personal email after her loss stating "we...

  13. President Trump calls for a bail out stating we will never the great US Oil & Gas Industry down. Bail out what the Industry, companies,...

  14. Can we now all agree that the man, who is on the verge of creating the second US-born global recession in 15 years, is mentally ill:https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-49416740 When it all...

  15. Venezuela's oil industry could be directly targeted by the U.S. immediately after the crisis-hit nation's upcoming presidential election, oil experts warned,  as global energy...

  16. So, crude oil gets one of the most excellent EIA reports this week and yet, oil price is headed downward in price once again.  Last...

  17. For the Trump haters, here ya go.  Have at it.  You're welcome. Trump Feeds Oil Markets False Hope

  18. Trump actually wants higher oil prices.  He gladly takes credit for shale boom, as did Obama. Neither deserve credit.  The technology deserves the credit....

  19. http://www.chron.com/business/energy/article/How-Trump-got-oil-solar-lobbyists-to-unite-12409490.php Trump can unite just anything

  20. The Mainstream Media is going batsh*t bonkers over Trump's speech yesterday.  Struck a nerve.  MSM desperately do not want people to observe that America is actually...

  21. Yes! This news put a big grin on my face this morning.  Oil & Gas is neither dead nor dying, and the Oil &...

  22. Yes, this is about oil.  And pretty sure this good news will infuriate oil haters, Trump haters, climate panickers, and globalists.  And I'm perfectly...

  23. If trump wanted to just lower the prices of oil, he would just need release the SPRs, and from what I see, this will...

  24. This has to be taken very serious. It's now or never. This is not amateur gamesmanship.  The ramifications of the outcome are unimaginable. The US Administrations...

  25. https://edition.cnn.com/2019/02/25/politics/donald-trump-daniel-burch-yemen-hostage/index.html   I am sure his family is happy....

  26. Trump acts as if he knows all and often mistates.  He is easily manipulated by the Washington Pro's.  Saudi MBS used Trump son-in-law by being...

  27. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-12-11/trump-is-said-to-open-door-for-oil-drilling-off-u-s-east-coast

  28. Today Trump moves ahead with a promising therapeutic that could control the virus by summer. When Trump first asked about the availability of HCQ +...

  29. President Trump announced that he regrets not having increased tariffs on China even further.  He also announced that Japan will be taking more farm...