1. U.S. shale development is on track for huge growth in coming decades and is set to allow the U.S. to leapfrog the world’s other...

  2. According to news media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal and Reuters, a U.S. federal judge decided to move against CITGO and give...

  3. The Trump administration forecasts that it will persuade countries to cut Iranian oil imports by as much as 1 million barrels a day when...

  4. The new U.S. special representative for Iran said the Trump administration is prepared to impose sanctions on all countries that buy oil from Iran...

  5. The House of Representatives of the US Congress voted on Monday for the bill on assisting Central and Eastern European countries to diversify energy...

  6. The U.S. will impose sanctions on Venezuela oil production and the EU is stopping Maduro from acquiring his gold stash.  Will the Majors go back...

  7. Five of the world’s biggest energy producers will be questioned by a federal judge  about climate change science, part of a lawsuit that accuses...

  8. Unexpected news.  I've previously done work on Murphy's West Patricia (shallow water) and Murphy's Kikeh (deep water) offshore oil platforms.  And also on Talisman...

  9. First time the whole month net exporter September.  First full month net exporter. https://pubs.spe.org/en/jpt/jpt-article-detail/?art=6306 October record production 12.8 million barrels day.          

  10. The burden on the US oil industry may soon lighten as department of interior considers easing of safety regulations that were put in place...

  11. Oil & Gas can go to hell, according to the new camp of U.S. Socialist politicians.   American Socialist Energy, AKA Green New Deal, coming soon to...

  12. Looks like huge hits in the US oilpatch already; job losses in March are now over 51,000.   https://www.ibtimes.com/us-oil-gas-industry-enduring-devastating-job-losses-supply-glut-low-crude-prices-2963933 And the hits just keep coming.

  13. U.S. sanctions on Venezuela’s oil industry have made winners out of Royal Dutch Shell Plc and BP Plc, Gulf of Mexico offshore heavyweights, as...

  14. Royal Dutch Shell offered on the Asian market on Monday a West Texas Intermediate (WTI) Midland cargo priced off the Dubai benchmark typically used for the Middle Eastern...

  15. Oil prices jumped to their highest since late 2014 on Monday on a deepening economic crisis in Venezuela and worries that the Unites States...

  16. U.S. oil projects begin to falter as producers curb spending

  17. The worst seems like it’s over for the U.S. oil industry. Yet executives are entering the new year with cautious optimism, the latest Dallas...

  18. https://www.texansfornaturalgas.com/us_oil_exports_hit_new_records?utm_campaign=sept_21_update&utm_medium=email&utm_source=northtexansfornaturalgas

  19. U.S. oil exports to Japan and South Korea will rise to record highs this month as Asian refiners take advantage of the steep discounts...

  20. Using fracking as an Enhanced Oil Recovery method for wells that are not considered as "tight oil" or shale plays could turn out to...

  21. Ok, ye smart guys. The oil biz in the USA is now mostly shale oil/gas. Vertical drilling by independents (or anyone) seems to have...

  22. Renewable energy prices have been declining at a reasonably predictable rate, generally no less than 20% per year, often higher than 25%. Solar panel...

  23. U.S. Oil Producers Begin Storing Crude in Strategic Reserve     U.S. oil producers running out of space for storage amid an unprecedented slump in demand have...

  24. U.S. crude oil production could reach a new high next year, according to the EIA'a latest STEO - and it could upset OPEC's reign...

  25. After 40+ years in the industry I always laugh when I see a headline like this.  It is absolutely 100% correct, players and situations...

  26. U.S. Posts First Month in 70 Years as a Net Petroleum Exporter     (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. solidified its status as an energy producer by posting...

  27. Presented without my usual comments.  I bolded certain parts to assist in navigating through the legalese wording. Executive Order on Securing the United States Bulk-Power...

  28. The political topic of U.S. oil & gas and LNG will likely start heating up in the second half of this year, as Democrat...

  29. U.S. oil refiners are planning a heavy slate of plant overhauls in the second quarter, with total production this month off 8.5 percent compared...

  30. Can someone please explain to me the disconnect between the fall in oil rigs and the actual amount of oil produced? So accord to...