1. BP predicts oil demand will peak by 2030 and EVs will shrink it further by 2040 rising 100-fold to 320 million. I wonder if...

  2. "OPEC will soon discuss with Russia a new way to measure oil stockpiles, with the Saudi Energy Minister saying that finding reliable inventory data...

  3. Is this really believable? Ratings agency Fitch said today in one of its scenarios that public preference for EVs, along with government policies that...

  4. OECD inventories just 74 million barrels above 5-year average, OPEC says. Is this number believable?

  5. This article speaks of California's (and other states') hypocrisy as pertains to their anti-oil stance.  "Local development bans are unfair, illogical, and hypocritical: those states...

  6. As climate-change lawsuits against the oil industry mount, Exxon Mobil Corp. is taking a bare-knuckle approach rarely seen in legal disputes: It’s going after the lawyers...

  7. British Columbia is pissed at Alberta for banning wine imports from B.C. But Alberta says "You started it" when B.C. proposed new rules to...

  8. So.... interesting bit of freaky news. Ohio gubernatorial hopeful Dennis Kucinich, if elected governor, intends to: ban all oil and gas drilling in Ohio (yeah, all) employ...

  9. As if Saudi Arabia wasn't already doing the lion's share of the production cutting so that other members can skate by without fully complying...

  10. Really tearing it up, Eni! Record oil and gas production. Q4 profits up 55%. 

  11. Interior Department is planning to hold the largest sale of oil and gas leases in the country's history. The plans, announced Friday, would auction off...

  12. Maduro says he is going to find another buyer for its crude oil if US imposes a full oil embargo on it. Which buyers...

  13. OPEC chief says he has Putin's word that Russia won't flood the oil market.  Ever? Or... just during the agreement?

  14. Venezuela just sacked US-sanctioned CFO of PDVSA, Simon Zerpa. Any significance to this move? Does it even matter?

  15. Univsion is reporting a mass exodus of employees from state-run PDVSA, as rising inflation has basically made their public worker salary almost owrthless. PDVSA...

  16. So, Russian banks are apparently "eager" to take a piece of Aramco, in partnership with Chinese investors. I wonder if it's too late for...

  17. Nigerian fuel hawkers are turning in a good profit even without fuel shortages in the country. As they apparently get their goods from pipeline...

  18. China is still digging its heels in, and not allowing Tesla to 100% own a factory there. China, as in all manufacturing businesses there,...

  19. I read this article https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/White-House-Proposes-Sale-Of-Federal-Power-Assets.html that talks about the government piecing out fed power assets. How would that even work? I'm not sure I get it.

  20. IEA OMR today says oil production growth, led by US production, will outweigh oil demand growth. Not good for oil prices. Not good for...

  21. We all know that big oil and the militancy in the Niger Delta have destroyed this place for local communities, but I hadn't heard...

  22. I hadn't realized until the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) started investigation just recently, that Norway lets companies deduct 78% of their exploration costs...

  23. Colombia again shutting in an oilfield for safety reasons as threats against it are made. Things are not looking so good for marriages between...

  24. Big Oil majors are fighting for investors' favors, apparently, now that they have more cash to dangle in front of their eyes. SO, who's...

  25. March 26th is the date, supposedly, for China's oil futures contract. Talk about a market disruptor. This has been talked about seemingly forever. If...

  26. Iraq, OPEC's 2nd largest oil producer, wants to build new refineries as its oil processing capacity was severely curtailed by damage to its largest...

  27. EPA penalties were significantly less this last fiscal year, partially under Trump administration. To be fair, part of it was under Obama and part...

  28. Battling for Asian market share with OPEC and US, Russia is diverting higher-quality crude cargoes from Europe to China. Something's got to give. Europe's...

  29. After a seven-month stoppage, Venezuela once again buying crude (and when I say "buying", I mean swapping goods for) for its Isla refinery. It's...

  30. Budget deal congress reached yesterday calls for the sale of 100 million barrels of SPR between 2022 and 2027. Hope the prices are high...