1. Now that overproduction of oil has lowered prices. What will happen to oil producing countries that are overly dependent on oil profits? I can...

  2. hay guys how is everyone today don't be on here much today i wont to ask you guys something what will we do with...

  3. Don't mind me, I'm just gently poking the "Keep Oil & Gas In The Ground" hater crowd for some amusement this morning. AOC and ilk...

  4. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/keystone-oil-spill-in-kansas-is-largest-in-pipelines-history-federal-data-shows That bitumen-loaded stuff must make a real mess, too.

  5. Everything seemed so bullish at the end of last week, and geopolitical risk seems to be growing by the day. With that in mind...

  6. The viewpoint in this opinion article glosses over a glaring, crucial point... overproduction by U.S. Shale Oil industry.  Although that should eventually start to...

  7. Hmmmm? A few years ago over squabbling 500,000 bpd went off-line, and those best friends, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia cannot come to turns, so...

  8. Danish DONG Energy changed its name to, erm, Ørsted (pronounced “Ehr-still*”), after the scientist who discovered electromagnetism. The family sued. The company won... But embarrassment was...

  9. Sooo, Statoil again and musings on how its competitors don't have "oil" or "gas" in their names. Correct me if I'm wrong but this...

  10. So, there are plant to make Saudi Arabia a top tourist destination; a new renewables hub; now they're announcing nuclear power plans. What's next...

  11. It has been known that China's banking system had extraordinary level of outstanding credit/debt.   The standard retort was thay they had large cash reserves China...

  12. How will Trump get out of this conundrum? Continue delaying the China deal - and stock market (his barometer) may not hold for long. Do the...

  13. Hey y'all (yep living in the south)! I am taking a look at the domestic oil consumption of Saudi Arabia, and something doesn't seem right. Consumption...

  14. What’s behind the rise in US shale gas production? Since the pandemic, US gas and oil production have taken different trajectories: oil has not...

  15. The author Nick C when writing this story still hasn't figured out the "WHY" of it not rising further than it has. IMHO he...

  16. A lot of people have asked about doing a breakdown on Iran and how the USA is draw them out to be. So today we...

  17. Here to share my interview for Eurasia Daily on the current Venezuela's crisis today: https://ednews.net/en/news/analytical-wing/428308-what-is-going-on-in-venezuela

  18. The price of wheat has clearly gone up in the absence of a food scarcity. Being true to the old cliche, one man's loss...

  19. Well the current situation can be summarized as refining margins for light distillates taking a big hit because of high stock levels globally.  The main...

  20. Various theories have been advanced over the years as to the origin of petroleum proposing an animal, vegetable,mineral and even meteoric origin. Today, however,most scientists...

  21. When do you expect brent to hit 28.08usd/b? A) Early July B) 1st August C) 1st November

  22. I'm looking for information as till when the world's oil storage will be full, every country has different capacity but roughly would given an...

  23. 15, 20, 25, 28? Vote.   This isn't a penny stock.  It can't go to zero.  (Or can it?)  At this point I'm seriously thinking of becoming a...

  24. When do you think will EV population be able to cause a decline in annual consumption of oil? 2022 or 2023? 

  25. Okay, how much higher does Brent have to go for demand to start declining? Let's have a wild guess party, since that's what everyone...

  26. With Over 100 billion dollars of investment going into EVs and supporting infrastructure, over 20 gigafactories, the ICE based vehicles are counting their last few...

  27. As the world continues to face the global pandemic, the demand for energy remains far below its level last year. Meanwhile, significant production cuts...

  28. When the weekly API inventory data comes out, I always read how it compares to analyst estimates.  How/where do I find those analyst estimates?

  29. https://www.ft.com/content/caca46c2-8e61-11e8-bb8f-a6a2f7bca546 Based on the report above where do we see Rig Utliziation and how will geopolitical events influence this?

  30. Although my Dad lives in the States and I live in Malaysia, I talk to him by Skype every week. Dad is in his...