1. For me, this is the $64,000 question.  When I hear all the prognostications, I always wonder.  Thoughts?

  2. Hi!   Here are my thoughts on oil prices for 2019 (short term). Would love to have your thoughts on it. https://seekingalpha.com/article/4231469-will-oil-prices-rise-2019

  3. Okay, for you drilling hands, here is something that does not involve geopolitics, oil pricing or the Permian Basin. A week or so ago, in...

  4. Good day  I would like to find out where do I find information regarding the past and current crude oil consumption by countries? 

  5. Is this potential situation credible? https://oilprice.com/Geopolitics/International/Iran-Threatens-To-Close-Key-Oil-Choke-Point.html

  6. How do you calculate the Dubai Oman Average? Which indexes and codes are used? 

  7. Oil Prices are going high again what's the reason 

  8. The thought is Putin is pissed at the U.S. for (1) U.S. not cutting production (2) Sanctioned companies thwarting the Russian completion of Nordstream2...

  9. U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday oil prices were too high and blamed OPEC, renewing his attack even as prices fell on Wednesday...

  10. I am an Italian investor and I am worried about the performance of oil stocks. Do you think the current situation for oil companies...

  11. I am wondering over the upcoming Maritime Act of 2020. Are the proposed regulations to reduce the sulphur emissions on all sea going vessels still on...

  12. U.S. oil production is predicted to hit 13 million bpd in September, matching the record output from November 2019.  Major companies including Chevron and...

  13. James Carville famously coined the phrase, "It's the economy, Stupid" to cut into George Bush's (the first) almost insurmountable lead. What millennials don't realize is...

  14. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the cleanest oil producer of them all?" "The Kingdom of Good Oil." "A comprehensive Stanford-led analysis in Science finds that Saudi Arabia's crude oil...

  15. How Fracking Turned OPEC Into The Walking Dead I just loved this headline. Can't blame me.

  16. The clown circus just keeps getting more and more unhinged.  There are consequences to actions.  There is also the Law of Unintended Consequences.  I...

  17. For those of you who pay lots of attention to the disinformation of Mainstream Media, this may be a bit surprising. Rep. Doug Collins Releases...

  18. Just some videos of blowouts for those interested. The commentary is not factually correct. The video showing the bit coming back to the surface...

  19. Sometimes you gotta face reality because reality is, well, in your face. Now what? They don't really think they'll get $200 billion from a...

  20. I remember, while I was in school my teacher asked us to write various uses of coal. As a kid, I know that only...

  21. MEP Stasys Jakeliūnas (Greens, LT), MEP Ivan Vilibor Sinčić (Croatia – [MEP code=HR]) (NI, HR), MEP Virginie Joron (ID, FR), MEP Cristian Terhes (ECR,...

  22. API reports crude oil inventory draw of 5.17 million barrels. Expected -1.497 million.

  23. Can someone throw light on how long the current negative crack of Jet fuel is likely to continue? This is going to badly impact...

  24. So, I live in one of the most polluted cities in Europe but last week I got the chance to see how they do...

  25. Maersk's, the largest shipping company in the world, COO has apparently said "we will have to abandon fossil fuels", by 2050. Weaning their massive...

  26. Big oil has gotten bigger. A lot bigger. That’s what Simon Flowers, chairman and chief analyst at Wood Mackenzie, stated in his latest version of...

  27. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/10/21/nyet-coming-vladimir-putin-to-snub-boris-big-climate-summit/ Nyet Coming: Vladimir Putin to Snub Boris Johnson’s Big Climate Summit Why not? https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/10/01/boris-thunberg-you-have-every-right-angry-about-climate-change-says-pm/

  28. Notley says Alberta will buy rail cars to move oil, wants Ottawa to chip in Where are the protesters blocking rail tracks is what I'd...

  29. French energy giant Total SA is spending $600 million to expand its presence in one of the world’s fastest-growing natural gas markets. Total agreed...

  30. Bemused frustration at this counter-intention.  Canadian article, but the point getting poked about "zero-manning" goals rings true. Why do we listen to oil execs when...