1. Notley says Alberta will buy rail cars to move oil, wants Ottawa to chip in Where are the protesters blocking rail tracks is what I'd...

  2. Just some videos of blowouts for those interested. The commentary is not factually correct. The video showing the bit coming back to the surface...

  3. Okay, for you drilling hands, here is something that does not involve geopolitics, oil pricing or the Permian Basin. A week or so ago, in...

  4. Over the past year, France has led a European push to keep trade with Iran alive after the United States tore up the nuclear...

  5. James Carville famously coined the phrase, "It's the economy, Stupid" to cut into George Bush's (the first) almost insurmountable lead. What millennials don't realize is...

  6. Personally, I wish the U.S. could extract itself from the endless morass that is the Middle East incessant religious and sectarian warfare. Wishful thinking.  Anyway, since...

  7. Russia reaffirmed its pledge to an alliance with OPEC, despite two months of breaching its target under a global oil-output deal. According to Russia's...

  8. For me, this is the $64,000 question.  When I hear all the prognostications, I always wonder.  Thoughts?

  9. Spend 20 minutes on this free YouTube Video for the "Game Plan" of Monday December 4 2023:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNQai1ufytE Gareth Soloway is a master trader...

  10. I must admit I get a kick out from reading about the pundits "enlightening" us all on what we can expect concerning oil demand...

  11.                                                        ...

  12. Consumers Will Pay For Carbon Pricing Costs By Irina Slav - Nov 22, 2020, 2:00 PM CST https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Consumers-Will-Pay-For-Carbon-Pricing-Costs.html Carbon pricing sounds like the simplest solution to the...

  13. The clown circus just keeps getting more and more unhinged.  There are consequences to actions.  There is also the Law of Unintended Consequences.  I...

  14. WTI Crude: 73.5$ Oil (Brent): 83$

  15. Presented without my usual comments.  Recommended reading. How Oil Defeated The Nazis

  16. Is the oilfield in Iraq run by a company in France that takes 4-barrels of water to produce one barrel of unrefined oil? Called the Common Seawater...

  17. i have a feeling that they will drop to $45 a barrell before beginning to rise again. It seemed there was a bounce today...

  18. Hence the continued selling.  Ugh.  But buyers appearing to step up at 30.   If you got caught selling the wrong options, you're just dead.  Most...

  19. Maersk's, the largest shipping company in the world, COO has apparently said "we will have to abandon fossil fuels", by 2050. Weaning their massive...

  20. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/10/21/nyet-coming-vladimir-putin-to-snub-boris-big-climate-summit/ Nyet Coming: Vladimir Putin to Snub Boris Johnson’s Big Climate Summit Why not? https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/10/01/boris-thunberg-you-have-every-right-angry-about-climate-change-says-pm/

  21. Quote In the report, Verleger noted that weekly EIA data on distillate consumption in the U.S., which is about 90% diesel, has been running anywhere...

  22. This report could disrupt the relative calm in the Mideast.  Saudi Arabia has had to deal with descent on several fronts as human rights,...

  23. Sometimes I just want to dump a bucket of cold water on the rhetorical head of Wall Street Journal writers who obstinately refuse to report...

  24. Well written article comparing the effects of Oil & Gas policies in California and Texas.  Worth reading. California Vs. Texas: Oil And Natural Gas --...

  25. So, I live in one of the most polluted cities in Europe but last week I got the chance to see how they do...

  26. Mixed signals coming from the UK. Costs are down to $15 a barrel but now they're set to rise. Big Oil's leaving but that's...

  27. Once a distant dream .  .  . now Nuclear Fusion in our lifetime ? Maybe ? The last six months have seen announcements as to...

  28. Sometimes you gotta face reality because reality is, well, in your face. Now what? They don't really think they'll get $200 billion from a...

  29. While everyone's staring at Iran, neighbor and former enemy Iraq has hit a record production rate if we are to believe the oil minister....

  30. Is this potential situation credible? https://oilprice.com/Geopolitics/International/Iran-Threatens-To-Close-Key-Oil-Choke-Point.html