1. Does the world agree with Iran's oil sanctions ??? Oil exporting countries are seeking to stabilize high oil prices and importing countries are trying to...

  2. Yemeni rebels are increasingly targeting Saudi Arabian oil facilities, threatening the kingdom’s economic engine and adding another layer of geopolitical tension that is helping...

  3. This is just... Oh, well, I'll let you judge for yourself: "Greenpeace activists arrived at BP in St James’ Square at 0200 GMT and encased...

  4. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  5. FROM BLOOMBERG ARTICLE: "  .  .  .  All those fine words aren’t just greenwash, but the sign of a company having genuine doubts about the...

  6. Here are a few petroleum sites that are on the hobby side of things: http://www.ppsi.org.uk/ http://www.oldgas.com https://aoghs.org

  7. Private equity... what's the situation today with the prices that have smartly moved from sub $30 per barrel to near $70 and OPEC actually...

  8. "The more aggressive type of virus was found to be prevalent in the early stages of the outbreak in Wuhan — the Chinese city...

  9. Oh noes!  Seems there is trouble in CCP's central planning paradise.  Whoopsie.  Xi will not be pleased. China's Oil Dream Dims as State Giants Cut...

  10. The Jones Act promotes U.S. shipping industry and ship building industry.  It mandates that all shipping between U.S. ports must use U.S. shipping companies...

  11. Flattening the curve saves lives. Not so much because less total population will catch the disease, they won't. The difference is how fast the disease...

  12. Tying in with my theme yesterday that the world is HUGELY dependent economically on oil (despite endless wailings and brickbats to the contrary by...

  13. Please consider adding the link to my recently published paper entitled, “Water, Trump, and Israel’s National Security” to your web site. Here is the...

  14. So we are supposed to believe Saudi Arabia will be getting production back up quickly when they are out trying to buy oil already...

  15. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  16. The question in most oil traders, analysts and buyers minds is, well Oil went down, OK, very good guess. But that is just a drop of $6...

  17. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/02/world/europe/russia-ukraine-drone-strike.html?ugrp=m&unlocked_article_code=1.hk0.3k7x.tUY_VBGBFfSV&smid=url-share   Ukraine seems to be targeting oil refineries, not crude oil pipelines, not petroleum storage sites. Why? (1) Crude oil pipelines can be repaired fairly quickly. (2) Crude...

  18. Just saw the official video released explaining the reason for this land rig blowout, its a shame five people lost their lives and there...

  19. but, Nigeria Escravos gas pipeline is down after an explosion--scores missing. It really is staggering how much disarray Nigeria's energy industry is.

  20. The collapse of WCS today is historic as I write, now sitting at minus one cent per barrel.  It has apparently been swinging in...

  21. If the contracts are sustainable and are a success, what do you think the implications will be on brent and wti contracts? Thoughts?

  22. I am a first time user of a public forum and was hoping to find open opinions and SME in Post Covid-19 lessons learned...

  23. Unexpected.  But Putin haters still gonna hate.  Ukraine Natural Gas corruption and kickbacks will apparently continue unabated, with Ukraine continuing to be a conduit for natural gas...

  24. China is often reported as the poster child for EV sales and, like everyone else, I took the reporting at face value. Not so says...


  26. China's Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index, known as the PMI, tumbled alarmingly in April from 51.2% in March to 49.2% in April. Of course, the crude...

  27. EXCERPT - The foundation also partnered with the Ikea Foundation and the Bezos Earth Fund to launch an international consortium to accelerate the transition...

  28. globally, almost $335 billion was sunk into renewable energy in 2017, almost half of this went to solar, and about 40% was from China.

  29. I have officially had it. I suggest ALL international oil companies stop what they're doing and sit back and relax as the world economy...

  30. This dam site is always negative, ESPECIALLY on US OIL!!  I look at this as being a British dominated site, SOCIALIST and really against...