1. Nick Cunningham has written some very good articles in the past, but he reached rock bottom with this one. None of it is factually...

  2. That's what two anonymous (of course) sources told Reuters as Aramco is being audited independently. Now I want to see their reserve replacement rate...

  3. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Irans-Master-Plan-To-Beat-US-Sanctions.html#    Interesting...I would think the Main goal of Trump and the Gulf States is at a Minimum to Ham-String in the Long-Term the Iranians so...

  4. U.S. President Donald Trump resumed his criticism of OPEC, saying on Twitter that the cartel “must get prices down now!” Trump’s fresh intervention in...

  5. Happy Dance and Popcorn time ! This Executive Order by Trump, combined with $70 oil [Brent] this week, is putting a huge grin on my...

  6. $100 oil isn’t necessarily a good thing for the U.S. shale oil industry, several U.S. oil industry executives said this week. $100 oil could...

  7. .

  8. The report linked below is very interesting https://docfinder.bnpparibas-am.com/api/files/1094E5B9-2FAA-47A3-805D-EF65EAD09A7F Oil Prices likely to fall to $20/b by 2030, as predicted by William Edwards (though he might estimate...

  9. Crude Oil Mineral Resources in Nigeria and the States deposits Nigeria is the richest in Crude oil deposit in Africa and the 4th in the World;...

  10. NOW $4.18 https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/30/a-barrel-of-oil-is-now-cheaper-than-a-pint-of-beer-in-canada.html   And you thought U.S. shale had it bad. Very expensive to shut down an oil sands operation and turn back on again. This time will...

  11. In this article by Robert Rapier, he says ExxonMobil does not own any gas stations in the USA. So, what is the working relationship...

  12. Not sure how far these changes will go, but FERC says oil and gas pipeline approval process will be reviewed. Also, it will tighten...

  13. Energy is leading the S&P 500, jumping by 57% YTD. Out of the top ten best-performing stocks in the S&P 500 year to date, nine...

  14. I recently subscribe to oilprice yearly subscription at 09 Apr 2020. I would like to unsubscribe but not able to find anywhere in the website...

  15. Like i said in an earlier post, certain countries may circumvent OPEC and purchase oil directly from Iran, or others. Could oil hit $50...

  16. Hi guys.  Hanging in and hanging on still in West Texas...The roads are dead and the nights are pitch black.  Our company has had 3...

  17. The "Co-operative Refinery Complex,"  known generally as the "Co-op," is currently in a labor conflict, with management locking out some 800 refinery workers.  The...

  18. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  19. More smoke and mirrors .   Saudis produced 9.8 mm before OPEC deal fell apart. Saudis say they are going to produce 12.3 in April.  That is a joke.   Saudis say they will cut 4...

  20. New York Bans Offshore Drilling in Its Waters Gov. Cuomo said the new law sends a message to the Trump administration that the state’s coastline...

  21. Can anyone  explain the impact  of saudi aramco approval in oil price please

  22. How many EV's will be there on roads by 2022. Give me your estimated numbers for Electric trucks, Electric buses, Personal Electric cars and ride...

  23. Iraq is angry with the Saudis for raising production without consulting with OPEC. It's also angry with other producers: "Producers who are or are not...

  24. Guess who joined the big happy family of companies with credit ratings? That's right, Aramco. Guess what the ratings are? That's right: A+ and A1. The...

  25. BofA-ML sees Brent at $70 in 2019, but says global recession could result in $35 That's how you do price forecasts. Whatever happens, BofA will...

  26. Hello Gent's,......been lurker here for a while. I am new to this forum,..this is my first post,...but I'm in other forums of various interest...

  27. Everybody seems to be eager to give their money to Aramco ahead of its IPO. And if it flops?

  28. Something that we all were discussing in another thread of mine ("Oil prices going down") last week. This piece is quite insightful. @William Edwards and...

  29. Venezuela is trying to save its own "a rse " with this move. They just sold their largest amount of bitcoin to keep the...

  30. There is a zinger of a very accurate point in this article (at least in my opinion, anyway.) Blame Oil For Our Trade Deficit With Canada Without...