1. Are U.A.E. and Kuwait negotiating to cut production by june 2018, if oil market improves?! https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-12-11/u-a-e-kuwait-target-june-for-talks-on-halting-oil-output-cuts?utm_content=energy&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&cmpid%3D=socialflow-twitter-energy    

  2. BLM to Incorporate Oil, Natural Gas Climate Impacts in Western Colorado RMP   https://www.naturalgasintel.com/blm-to-incorporate-oil-natural-gas-climate-impacts-in-western-colorado-rmp/

  3. There are good opinions for why Crude will hit $85, the current prevailing view among analysts, traders and talking heads. And we have people...

  4. EXCERPTS - European politicians are eager to be seen as “doing something” to oppose the Russian regime following Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. Most European...

  5. Why there are different oil shale prices around the world?

  6. Ending a five-year moratorium, the Trump administration took a first step toward opening 1.6 million acres of California public land to fracking and conventional...

  7. So, the next question is definitely whether Trump will try to attack the Yuan as China makes its first serious moves to trade oil...

  8. https://www.bourseandbazaar.com/news-1/2018/11/3/iran-tankers-go-dark-to-keep-selling-oil Finally some relatively solid data. No wonder Iranian media today are openly defiant.

  9. A picture that is worth a thousand words - in summary, Coal falling, Crude and Nuclear flat with Nat Gas and Renewables rising. Doesn't look...

  10. Saudi Arabia says it will be the last man standing when the world finally weans itself off oil. And it doesn't expect that to happen...

  11. https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/aramco-could-face-weeks-restoring-full-production-capacity-specter-100-oil-looms                 - Full Article   With the Saudis now racing to restore full oil production to normal levels as...

  12. This is significant.  We have all seen the many articles which show how investment dollars are not going into the oil and gas industry. ...

  13. ○ > > >  Happy Dance !  < < < ○ ◇  Happy Happy Joy Joy ! ! !  ◇ My endless blatherings about $70 oil...

  14. this whole ego feeding is producing a lot of unnecessary market volatility

  15. Criminal proceedings began in London  against two companies run by Unaoil, a Monaco-based energy consultancy firm accused of corrupt business practices in Iraq. The charges...

  16. Each Monday & Thursday mornings at 10:00 AM EST, Genscape releases Cushing, Okla.  crude builds/draws using orbital surveillance technology, this release is in advance...

  17. https://climatechangedispatch.com/trumps-energy-dominance-agenda-soaring/  What do You think? 

  18. U.S. consumer prices fell for the first time in nine months in December amid a plunge in gasoline prices, but underlying inflation pressures remained...

  19. Can India benefit from the current fall in oil prices? Is Corona , a threat to Petrochemical industry? How Oil giants are going to be resilient...

  20. According to the Houston Chronicle: https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/energy/article/Texas-taxpayers-could-face-117B-cost-to-clean-up-15611824.php a recent study shows that the surety bonds for P@A will cover less than one percent of the required P@A,...

  21. Although my Dad lives in the States and I live in Malaysia, I talk to him by Skype every week. Dad is in his...

  22. Deepwater GOM Project Claims Industry First       LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. reported Tuesday that it has ordered subsea trees from TechnipFMC for its Shenandoah Project in...

  23. BHP sold its US shale oil assets for $10.8 billion, which it purchased a few years ago for over $20 billion. Ouch. If they are...

  24. Several hundred oil workers in Norway have gone on strike after failing to reach an agreement on wages with their employers. It doesn't sound...

  25. According by EIA U.S. will overtake Russia as the world’s biggest oil producer by 2019 at the late. U.S. oil is also increasingly being...

  26. The U.S. Federal Reserve hiked interest rates by 75 basis points on Wednesday. The rate hike is the third straight hike for the Fed, and...

  27. From the very much leftist BBC.  Note the total absence of any mention about Venezuela's Socialism creating the collapse of the country.  Iran is portrayed...

  28. This is coming from way out in left field, I think, but Arnie Schwarzenegger is planning to sue big oil for what he calls...

  29. I was poking about looking for snippets of information on oil sands extractions processes, and came across some fascinating information about two long-time industry...

  30. Hits all time low sitting at around $12.00 what does this mean going forward for the future of Canada and Alberta more specifically. What is...