1. I would simply like to advise some caution during this exuberant bull run. Remember 2014 and 2015. What goes up eventually goes down. And I'm still waiting...

  2. Stabroek, the block that keeps giving. 12 discoveries so far. This is turning out to be one of the biggest discoveries in... decades?

  3. Just when they were beginning to boost their production steadily, another field blockade plus heavy rains has slashed production. Weather aside, will Libya ever...

  4. https://www.sbs.com.au/news/us-rebrands-fossil-fuels-as-molecules-of-freedom It's not an Onion story, there's a link to the press release. Ingenious! Statoil ain't got nothing on the DoE when it comes to...

  5. .

  6. I would be interested in seeing a link to a video that shows a night flight over the Permian Basin with all the flaring...

  7. Gasoline prices are up about 30 cents a gallon for the average American over the past year. At about $2.80 a gallon, gasoline is...

  8. The announcement about oil workers strike in Nigeria and China's demand (crude oil imports rose to 9.01 million bpd) are the main reasons for...

  9. An Oklahoma oil and gas industry group is challenging a tax on new wells that would give teachers in the state a $4,000 pay...

  10. Is it me or is Argentina's energy policy a little bit hectic? They were all for foreign investments, tax incentives, the lot, now, apparently,...

  11. Lets start with November 2021 according to Rosstat Quote Crude oil production in Russia, excluding gas condensate, was 10.03 million barrels per day in November, and...

  12. Crude Oil Mineral Resources in Nigeria and the States deposits Nigeria is the richest in Crude oil deposit in Africa and the 4th in the World;...

  13. New York Bans Offshore Drilling in Its Waters Gov. Cuomo said the new law sends a message to the Trump administration that the state’s coastline...

  14. I recently subscribe to oilprice yearly subscription at 09 Apr 2020. I would like to unsubscribe but not able to find anywhere in the website...

  15. Aramco IPO reportedly delayed by indecision regarding the listing venue. If only y'all could all see my surprised face right now..

  16. Guyana has a population of fewer than 800,000 and annual GDP of $6 billion but it's got oil, perhaps a lot of it. It's...

  17. “A solid economic background and an assumption of more stable prices are key factors. Risks include possibly higher prices and trade disruptions. Some governments...

  18. T. Boone Pickens is closing his hedge fund and Andy Hall is apparently heading out of the business... Hedge funds have a key role...

  19. Guess who joined the big happy family of companies with credit ratings? That's right, Aramco. Guess what the ratings are? That's right: A+ and A1. The...

  20. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Irans-Master-Plan-To-Beat-US-Sanctions.html#    Interesting...I would think the Main goal of Trump and the Gulf States is at a Minimum to Ham-String in the Long-Term the Iranians so...

  21. NOW $4.18 https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/30/a-barrel-of-oil-is-now-cheaper-than-a-pint-of-beer-in-canada.html   And you thought U.S. shale had it bad. Very expensive to shut down an oil sands operation and turn back on again. This time will...

  22. BofA-ML sees Brent at $70 in 2019, but says global recession could result in $35 That's how you do price forecasts. Whatever happens, BofA will...

  23. Zerohedge reported Iranian oil tanker was hit by two missiles in Red Sea 60 nm off Jeddah. Israel is blamed. Fire and leak seems...

  24. Like i said in an earlier post, certain countries may circumvent OPEC and purchase oil directly from Iran, or others. Could oil hit $50...

  25.   .       

  26. Iraq is angry with the Saudis for raising production without consulting with OPEC. It's also angry with other producers: "Producers who are or are not...

  27. Something that we all were discussing in another thread of mine ("Oil prices going down") last week. This piece is quite insightful. @William Edwards and...

  28. Simple question what will change if the Democratic Party got elected in 2020, would the US continue to eradicate its strategic oil reserves?

  29. 48 seconds ago..... Watch ➤ ➤ ➤ Click Here To link (Full Video Link) ➤►DOWNLOAD (Full Video Link) L𝚎aked Video video deekila sherpa L𝚎aked on Social...

  30. For a long time, I was generally under the impression that the years long international conflict in Syria was actually all about competing international...