1. OPEC chief says he has Putin's word that Russia won't flood the oil market.  Ever? Or... just during the agreement?

  2. The shocks in the oil price have a great effect on energy consumed through the demand side. This penetrates through the increase in the...

  3. I am a shop teacher in the Permian Oil Patch teaching Construction Trades and Welding.  With the discussion on a possible down turn in...

  4. Union threatens national strike after workers dismissed...facing possible shutdowns if strike carried out.     

  5. 7 minutesThis is an absolutely brilliant speech by British satirist, Konstantine Kisin.https://twitter.com/LetsGoBrando45/status/1614260315453292544 Taken from…https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/best-video-climate-change-you-will-ever-see

  6. Once again Iran’s rhetoric is beefed up regarding blocking the straights of Hormuz. I believe this time we may be the closest we have...

  7. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  8. Reported to be passing through the strait to KSA. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jul/19/british-tanker-iran-capture-fears-stena-impero-uk-ship-latest https://www.nmg-stena.com/news/company-statement-stena-impero/ COMPANY STATEMENT - STENA IMPERO - 1840BST 19th Jul 2019 Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management can confirm...

  9. This was expected again it was just a 150 basis point move up, and with oil volatile as it is, it's no big deal....

  10. Once again “OIL” combined with political bluster and a provocateur has the world is in turmoil and everyone is hoping that somehow a peaceful resolution...

  11. a) Shell/Blackstone Eye $10B BHP Billiton Shale Purchase b) Sempra Gets Regulator Nod for $10B Oncor   

  12. Russia's Catastrophic Oil and Gas Problem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo6w5R6Uo8Y  How Putin's greed led him into the Ukraine war  and caused Europe to turn against him and his aggression....

  13. canada

    EDIT: There is the data file for the netbacks calculations https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vT1FI0yiG1z9c65wNIcA5t7RAjRvNQNvnw-TU4H3HQj7sbWo8OKxJYVRZ1rftVG4VLOrn6JHtNt2fmT/pub?output=xlsx ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I wrote a technical paper on topic how to get crude oil and LNG barrels...

  14. 'Who's the cleanest of them all' Take a wild guess what country is reducing its greenhouse gas emissions the most? Canada? Britain? France? India? Germany?...

  15. Hot spots in the Middle East with oil tankers being sabotoged are apparently coinciding with Turkey now causing oil & gas trouble for Cyprus and...

  16. Way too much hysteria lately about impending U.S. sanctions against Iranian Oil. The more Iranian oil is removed from the legal markets under sanctions, the...

  17. Interior Department is planning to hold the largest sale of oil and gas leases in the country's history. The plans, announced Friday, would auction off...

  18. Italy’s imports of U.S. crude oil vaulted to a record in June after attacks by armed groups shuttered two major Libyan oil ports and...

  19.   Moving the US shale revolution forward   Shales have transformed the US energy landscape, but opportunities exist to extract more value from this young resource and...

  20. Several E.U. member states made it plain that they will veto any E.U. proposal to ban Russian oil (or gas) imports. Removal of oil ban...

  21. ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Two New York state lawmakers are introducing legislation that would ban the development of new fossil fuel plants or pipelines...

  22. Interestinger and interestinger.  More good news about international oil & gas getting back in the game again after getting burned big time by the...

  23. https://qz.com/1284239/70-of-saudi-arabias-electricity-is-used-for-air-conditioning/ 70% of Saudi electricity usage goes toward air conditioning, and 100% of electricity is generated from fossil fuels. 

  24. Question: if there's no further negotiation or agreement on trade between US and Iran , what next? 

  25. Perry has it right.  This action by Mohammed bin Salman is in violation of antitrust law,  World Trade Organization by-laws and just unfair.  This...

  26. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Oil-Bankruptcies-Are-Reaching-Worrying-Levels.html What is this going to look like a year from now? Will price estimates be way off? Will the Oil Majors be able to buy up...

  27. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. How about accepting a little responsibility and not blame everybody else aka "the trump way" ?....

  28.   Amedia claims the Lord spoke to him that day, saying "Son, prophesy to the north and to the south and say it across this...

  29. Apparently. Uncertainty is a complicated pictogram*. *You'll have to have read "Interesting Times" to get the reference fully but I'm sure you know what I...

  30. Saudi Aramco is planning a blockbuster investment in Reliance Industries (RELI.NS), the Indian conglomerate said on Monday, as the Saudi energy giant diversifies its...