1. https://www.wnd.com/2020/12/despite-lefts-war-fossil-fuels-internal-combustion-engine-stay/ The veracity of ICE staying power is obvious but many choose to deceive themselves and others. Ronwagn Despite left's war on fossil fuels, internal combustion...

  2. dear forum members, allow me to introduce myself, my name is elie nammour, and I wish I can have your support to find out some...

  3. A shock report from the IEA calls for zero new investment in oil and gas. Forever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=senffj5Hnro     

  4. Greta is going to get even more mad, after she finishes her latest luxury yacht trip used for relaxing between lectures for scolding adults...

  5. EVs will displace 2.5 million bpd of oil demand by 2030 according to a senior analyst at the IEA based on its new report: Global EV Outlook...

  6. Regardless of however serious you may think the Coronavirus may or may not be, it *is* affecting oil prices seriously. Significantly, the IEA is alarmed...

  7. The global oil market could move into deficit sooner than expected thanks to OPEC’s output agreement with Russia and to Canada’s decision to cut...

  8. The IEA has forecast that growth in non-OPEC supply--the US. Canada, Brazil and Norway--will be enough to cover the growth in global oil demand. If...

  9. IEA doesn’t rule out further growth in oil prices until the end of the year, said IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol. He said the...

  10. “A solid economic background and an assumption of more stable prices are key factors. Risks include possibly higher prices and trade disruptions. Some governments...

  11. Fatih Birol, executive director at the International Energy Agency, said for Bloomberg,  "oil demand is still strong and OPEC should "think twice" before cutting...

  12.  Oil markets are entering an unprecedented period of uncertainty due to geopolitical instability and a fragile global economy, the head of the International Energy...

  13. By IEA, global oil demand is expected to pick up this year but supply is growing at a faster pace, leading to a rise...

  14. I hope you can appreciate the satire. It exemplifies the dichotomy of the two worlds in the Middle East.  It shows the riches and wealth...

  15. Better yet . . . if a 20% yield becomes the norm for prime shale properties . .   does that end the majors...

  16. So says Tom Kloza from the Oil Price Information Service. And if China slaps tariffs on U.S. oil imports... Okay, I'm rubbing my hands...

  17. Is Cuomo going to step into the Presidential slot to replace Biden?  Watching Biden is really torturous since you know his next sentence will be...

  18. Oil prices where about to almost break 68, and move down, and the Sauds saved the day last minute with a statement,.  To say Oil is...

  19. IMAGE - https://assets.zerohedge.com/s3fs-public/styles/inline_image_mobile/public/inline-images/Gas_Price_All_Time_High-2.jpg?itok=z2pkeV39 https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/mapped-gas-prices-across-america-reach-all-time-highs Mapped: Gas Prices Across America Reach All-Time Highs by Tyler Durden Friday, Mar 25, 2022 - 09:40 PM In recent days, gas prices have skyrocketed...

  20. Residents of Greece would have had to pay approximately six percent of their average monthly wage for a full tank of gas this past...

  21. Can Africa Offer An Alternative To Russian Gas? by Tyler Durden Wednesday, Apr 27, 2022 - 01:45 AM Europe is turning to Africa for help with weaning them off...

  22. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has driven up oil and other commodity prices in many countries, with gasoline prices turning into a topic of discussion around...

  23. IMF has made repeated attempts to get information from Venezuela, and it has not been forthcoming. Now it is threatening to bar Venezuela from...

  24. Shipowners are ready, the bunker market is not     The number of ports in which low sulphur fuel will be available at the start of 2020...

  25. Singapore’s MPA (Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore) has issued a statement saying in the first quarter of 2020, most ships calling at the...

  26. IMO 2020 could cause Brent price spike to $80/b by end-2019 The oil market is likely to tighten further in the second half of the...

  27. IMO 2020 could create fierce competition for scarce water resources The International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations set to take effect in 2020 have sparked mountains...

  28. Tankers defer retrofits to cash in on record freight rates     SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Tankers that had been scheduled to install emissions-cutting equipment ahead of stricter...

  29. Concerned that fuel costs would spike, US is considering delaying the IMO sulfur cap transition that was scheduled to go into effect in Jan...

  30. To scrub or not to scrub One way or another, ship owners are soon going to have to make big, and in some cases expensive,...